Text-Differ copied to clipboard
A public tracker for Text Differ App
JSON Compare
Meet JSON Compare, a native macOS app that shows beautiful diff between 2 JSON files.
- ✅ Native macOS app
- 🔐 Built with developer mindset: Privacy-first, run locally. Your data is secured. No Analytic & Crash Report.
- 🔍 Diff like Github Diff: Support JSON Syntax Highlighting, Side-by-side or Inline Mode. ⚡️ Lightweight and high performance. Tested with 50 MB file text.
How to Purchase
$4.99 for lifetime (buy once, use forever)
Mac AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/json-compare/id6479314700
Gumroad: https://proxymanstore.gumroad.com/l/textdiffer
Command Line
# diff two files
$ /Applications/Text\ Differ.app/Contents/MacOS/Text\ Differ <file_path> <file_path>