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Feature Request: Port to Linux
I don't have a mac to test this out in, but looks very slick. Adding my voice to port this to Linux.
Thank you for interesting on Proxyman 👍
Unfortunatey, we don't have any plan for Linux yet. We're primarily focusing on macOS. However, we will consider to expand to Linux and Windows in short future soon.
If there are more people, who have same Linux Request. We definitely do it.
For now, just keep this request open.
Sounds good. Hoping for more Linux users!
I'd like a Linux version as well
Adding my vote for Windows 10. Thanks!
Since there is not Linux version yet, I can recommend mitmproxy which is open source and written in Python. There is also a web interface and an API.
My vote for linux!! tnks!!
Linux would be great! Coming from macOS with Proxyman (❤️) and now have to work with Wireshark (🤢) under Linux.
I want the Linux porting too. Now I'm using Charles, but I don't like it.
linux too
+1 for Linux release
+1 for linux release
Nov 2022 ! +1 For Linux Release 🙏🏽
Hi guys, I'm happy to share with you the Linux build progress 🎉
Friendly tag: @2xmonth @UnFunnyGuy @Sanix-Darker @golango-cn @DanielRios549 @dhruvkar @scott1028 and more
Proxyman for Linux
- ✅ Support Ubuntu 20 and 22 (I haven't tested with other distro)
- Distribute format: AppImage (Other format will be supported soon)
- Proxyman for Windows and Linux is developed with ElectronJS.
- We leverage the modern and beautiful UI from Shadcn and Tailwind CSS, to make it look better as the macOS as possible 🎉
- Beta:
- How to start the first time: Right Click on the AppImage -> Permission Tab -> Make sure to check the
Allow executing files as program
Some useful features
1. Capture and intercept HTTP/HTTPS traffic
2. Auto-install & trust the certificate into the Trust Store of Linux
3. Breakpoint
- Modify the Request/Response data (URL, Method, Status Code, Headers, and Body) on the fly
4. Map Local
- Create a Mock Response: Work faster, don't need to wait for a real endpoint from the Backend Team.
5. Diff like a Git
- Find a difference between Request/Response
6. Support iOS & Android device
7. Proxyman Pro
- Unlock all Pro features with the License key.
If you find any bug or issue, please report it here. I'm happy to sort it out 👍
Know issue:
- Google Chrome or Firefox on Linux doesn't accept self-signed certificates by default. It means you might get SSL Error/Warning if you try to intercept its HTTPS.
- Solution:
- Use Pre-configured Google Chrome or Firefox => I'm working on this feature.
- Or follow this Firefox setup: to manually add & trust Proxyamn cert.
Hi guys, I'm happy to share with you the Linux build progress 🎉
- ✅ Support Ubuntu 20 and 22 (I haven't tested with other distro)
Incredible work!! Confirmed working on Arch. Just sent an email to our accounts department for a license.
Linux Beta 2 🎉
- Download:
- Note: Manual Install Certificate is only available for macOS & Windows. Linux is not ready yet.
- Change logs:
Thank you for putting the effort ❤️❤️
Update Linux v2.7.0
- From now, The Linux build will be distributed at the same pace as the Windows version 👍
- Download & Change logs:
Update Linux 2.8.0 Beta
- Download & Change logs: 👍