This mysteriously is no longer a problem. It now works or works better than before. Only change that happened on that Ubuntu computer: I uninstalled python and/or python3 for an...
Wow, great work! [Bronibooru]( doesn't require a week wait; instead, you just have to wait a while for them to approve your posts to see the thumbnail and image. - @snyderp How do I run this software? Explain it to me like I am 5 years old. See Seriously, all readmes should explain things like their audience...
You are saying you want filenames that match: "(USA)" NOT "(Beta)" and "([not matching 'USA'])" AND "(Beta)" One way to go about this is to have IA downloader create a...
Correction: "contents of filter.txt" Also, I don't think this downloader can download metadata in/at[item_id] (login required). If it did it should download it to folder "`itemid~history`". The tilde character...
I haven't tested this, but here is a starting point: `dest_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(output_folder, identifier), ia_file_name)` -> `dest_file_path = os.path.join(output_folder, ia_file_name)` `identifier_output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, identifier)` `if (` ` os.path.isdir(identifier_output_folder)`...
I commented out `destdir=output_folder,`: ```` identifier, files=[ia_file_name], #- destdir=output_folder, on_the_fly=True, ) ```` I commented out other stuff too, but it seems that the "destdir=output_folder" part is what did it....
Can confirm that merely commenting out "destdir=output_folder," will do it (you get files in such a folder), but you get errors. Implementing code edits from results in less bad...
"I commented out other stuff too" refers to this version: "Todo - fix ..." - I guess this would not be a hard fix as it would be done...
For me, it was "$HOME/.config/internetarchive/ia.ini". Also, log files look like this: "20230210_141926_ia_downloader_info.log". If only one item was downloaded to create that log, shouldn't it say "20230210_141926_ia_downloader_info_[item_name_here].log". This would be helpful...