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Generate Datomic or Datascript schema from your Clojure(Script) specs
Generate Datomic or Datascript schema from your Clojure(script) specs.
[provisdom/spectomic "1.0.78"] ;; latest release
Let's take a look at a basic example.
(require '[clojure.spec :as s]
'[provisdom.spectomic.core :as spectomic])
=> nil
(s/def ::string string?)
=> :boot.user/string
(spectomic/datomic-schema [::string])
=> [{:db/ident :boot.user/string
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]
In this example we define the spec ::string
and then pass it to datomic-schema
which returns a collection of schema matching the data our ::string
represents. Now let's look at a more complicated example.
(s/def :entity/id uuid?)
=> :entity/id
(s/def :user/name string?)
=> :user/name
(s/def :user/favorite-foods (s/coll-of string?))
=> :user/favorite-foods
(s/def :order/name string?)
=> :order/name
(s/def :user/order (s/keys :req [:entity/id :order/name]))
=> :user/orders
(s/def :user/orders (s/coll-of :user/order))
=> :user/orders
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req [:entity/id :user/name :user/favorite-foods :user/orders]))
=> :boot.user/user
(spectomic/datomic-schema [[:entity/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/index true}]
=> [{:db/ident :entity/id
:db/valueType :db.type/uuid
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/index true}
{:db/ident :user/name
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/ident :user/favorite-foods
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
{:db/ident :user/orders
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}]
In this example we have a ::user
entity that is uniquely identified by an
. The user also has a collection of his or her favorite foods
and a collection of orders :user/orders
We need to let datomic-schema
know that :entity/id
is unique. We do this be
providing datomic-schema
with a tuple instead of just the spec keyword. The
first element of the tuple is the spec and the second element is any extra schema
fields to be added to the attribute. In this case we attach :db/unique
. You can see in the outputted schema that :entity/id
does indeed
have those extra fields.
is not particularly interesting as it is similar to our basic example.
is represented as a collection of strings in our example.
And as you can see in the returned schema, :user/favorite-foods
and :db.type/string
is a collection of maps of the for dictated by the spec ::orders
And our returned schema is of type :db.type/ref
and :db.cardinality/many
Resolving Custom Types
Your code may use types that are not resolvable to Datomic types with the default
type type resolver implementation. One option to this problem is to use the schema
entry format you saw above with :entity/id
. If you recall, we set the :db/unique
property for :entity/id
to :db.unique/identity
. You can actually manually set
the :db/valueType
too. This could, however, become very repetitive.
The second option is to pass a map with the :custom-type-resolver
key set to a
function that returns a Datomic type. If the default type resolver cannot resolve
an object's type, your function will be called with the object passed to it as
the only argument. Your function is expected to return a valid Datomic type, as
defined here.
Usage in Production
This library provides two functions for generating schema from specs: datomic-schema
and datascript-schema
. Both function calls occur at runtime. This means
that if you include this library as a runtime dependency, test.check will also be
included. Often you don't want test.check as a runtime dependency so it is suggested
that you include this dependency as test
(e.g. [provisdom/spectomic "x.x.x" :scope "test"]
). Including this library with
scope means that all your calls need to happen at compile time or elsewhere.
Here are two examples of how this library can be used at compile time.
It is convenient to store the list of specs you want to convert into schema as a
var. By doing so you are able to easily add new specs to the schema list at any
time. We will use a def
'ed var as an example.
(def schema-specs [[:entity/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity :db/index true}] :user/name :user/favorite-foods])
Now let's write a def
-like macro that will generate our schema at compile time:
(defmacro defschema
`(def ~name (spectomic/datomic-schema schema-specs)))
(defschema my-schema)
Now our schema is statically compiled and available in the var my-schema
Build time
Sometimes you may want to save your schema into an actual EDN file for use in multiple places. This can be easily accomplished with a Boot task.
(require '[provisdom.spectomic.core :as spectomic])
(deftask generate-schema
[s sym VAL sym "This symbol will be resolved and have its content passed to `datomic-schema`."]
(spit "my-schema.edn" (spectomic/datomic-schema @(resolve sym))))
This task is simple but does not adhere to Boot's design patterns. Here's a slightly more complex example that integrates well with other tasks.
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(deftask generate-schema
[s sym VAL sym "This symbol will be resolved and have its content passed to `datomic-schema`."
o out-file VAL str "Name of the file for the schema to be outputted to. Defaults to schema.edn"]
(let [specs-var (resolve sym)]
(assert specs-var "The symbol provided cannot be resolved.")
(with-pre-wrap fileset
(let [out-file-name (or out-file "schema.edn")
out-dir (tmp-dir!)
out-file (io/file out-dir out-file-name)]
(spit out-file (spectomic/datomic-schema @specs-var))
(commit! (add-resource fileset out-dir))))))
Misleading Generators
When writing your specs you need to be mindful of the generator that is used for
the spec. One misleading predicate generator is float?
. float?
's generator
actually uses the same generator as double?
, meaning it does not return a number
with type java.lang.Float
. This is problematic for our schema generator as it
relies on your objects having the correct type that they represent. This is not
a bug in Clojure spec however. If you look at how float?
is defined you will
see that float?
returns true if the object is a java.lang.Double
or a
. To combat this we can write our own ::float
spec like this:
(s/def ::float
#(instance? java.lang.Float %)
#(gen/fmap float
(s/gen (s/double-in :min Float/MIN_VALUE :max Float/MAX_VALUE :infinite? false :NaN? false)))))
Rare Edge Cases
If you write a Spec that uses a generator that will return values of a different type very rarely then you will run into schema generation problems. Make sure your generators are returning consistent types.
Rather than parsing every Spec form, we chose to implement this library using
generators. Every Spec that is passed to datomic-schema
or datascript-schema
is sampled 100 times using test.check. The type of each sample is then matched
with a Datomic type. Next we make sure that each sample is of the same type. If
your generator is returning multiple types for a Spec then it's not clear how the
schema should be generated so an error is thrown. If the type is a collection
then we need to verify that for each sample, every element in the collection is
of the same type. If that is true then we return a map with :db.cardinality/many
and the :db/valueType
set to the type of object the collection contains.
Because generating samples for specs can end up taking a significant amount of time, we do some Spec form parsing up front to try and determine the Datomic type. If the Spec form is not handled then we fall back on generation.
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.