linux-cli copied to clipboard
DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API.
Please complete the following checklist (by adding [x]):
- [x] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates
- [x] This isn't a feature request
- [x] This is not a report about my app not working as expected
The app works fine but constantly nags to update. Can a patch be issued?
Any command produces this warning:
/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli:6: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
protonvpn-cli (3.13.0-1) on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, Python default 3.10.6
I have the same problem. Ubuntu 23.10, Python 3.11.5 Proton VPN CLI v3.13.0 (protonvpn-nm-lib v3.16.0; proton-client v0.7.1)
Having the same problem here.
The Beta version has solved some of my problems. We lose the CLI and gain a less advanced GUI interface than the previous one.
The answer from Proton VPN customer service.
We appreciate your feedback, and we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing such issues. Please note that our Development team is actively working on a complete refactoring of the Proton VPN Linux application, therefore, we should have some updates regarding the Linux application in the upcoming period, which should also address such issues and behaviors, but at this moment, I'm unable to provide you with a specific timeline or any further details. By that, we would like to suggest you try the beta version of the new client, and see how it works for you:
We appreciate your feedback, and we are glad to hear that the beta version is working as intended for you. That said, for now, only a GUI is available, but our team will consider providing a CLI version of the client as well in the future. However, due to the nature of such features, we will be unable to provide any specific time-frames or further details at this moment.