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  • init no longer accepts a openpgp instance: the OpenPGP.js lightweight build for browsers is always used.

  • In encryptMessage:

    • input message: has been replaced by options.textData/binaryData, and options.message has been removed
    • used to have trailing spaces automatically stripped. Now pass options.stripTrailingSpaces = true for the same behaviour
    • options.returnSessionKey has been removed, now separately generate a session key using e.g. generateSessionKey and pass it via options.sessionKey.
    • options.publicKeys has been renamed to options.encryptionKeys, options.privateKeys to options.signingKeys.
    • options.armor has been replaced by options.format taking 'armored'|'binary'|'object', where armor: false corresponds to format: 'object' (but it is recommended to use 'binary' or 'armored' instead).
    • output message: result.message is always returned for encrypted data ( has been removed)
  • In decryptMessage:

    • options.privateKeys has been renamed to options.decryptionKeys, options.publicKeys to options.verificationKeys.
    • errors has been renamed to verificationErrors
    • if the message is signed, and verificationKeys are given but none corresponds to the original signing key, a verification error is returned (previously, this didn't return any errors).
  • In signMessage:

    • input message: has been replaced by options.textData/binaryData, and options.message has been removed
    • used to automatically create a cleartext message. For the same behaviour, if detached = true, now pass textData with stripTrailingSpaces. The equivalent for detached = false (namely CleartextMessage signing) is not implemented (unused).
    • options.privateKeys has been renamed to options.signingKeys.
    • options.armor has been replaced by options.format taking 'armored'|'binary'|'object', where armor: false corresponds to format: 'object' (but it is recommended to use 'binary' or 'armored' instead).
  • In verifyMessage:

    • options.publicKeys has been renamed to options.verificationKeys.
    • pass options.stripTrailingSpaces: true if the message could contain trailing whitespaces on any line and it was signed by passing in previous versions.
    • as in decryptMessage, if verificationKeys are given but none matches the original, a verification error is returned (previously, this didn't return any errors).
  • generateSessionKey now takes recipient public keys in input and generates a session key compatible with their key preferences. The former function, which generates a key for a given symmetric algo was renamed generateSessionKeyForAlgorithm.


  • getMessage, getSignature, getCleartextMessage, getKey(s): use the corresponding read* functions instead, which take named inputs to preserve type info (e.g. readMessage({ armoredMessage }))
  • decryptPrivateKey, encryptPrivateKey: these performed both parsing/serialization and decryption/encryption. Now, separately parse a binary/armored key using readPrivateKey and then pass the result to decryptKey or encryptKey. These function still do not modify the original privateKey instance.


  • readPrivateKey(s): similar to readKey(s) but expect and return a PrivateKey instance
  • generateSessionKeyForAlgorithm: same as generateSessionKey for v6


  • createMessage, createCleartextMessage: serialized data is now taken as input directly by sign/verify/encryptMessage as options.text/binaryData
  • decryptMIMEMessage (unused)
  • keyCheck and keyInfo (unused)
  • snake_case aliases for base64 utils (e.g. encode_base64)
  • createWorker : OpenPGP.js no longer includes a worker. For performance reasons, apps are encouraged to create their own workers.


pmcrypto must be initialized using the init function, to apply changes to the underlying OpenPGP.js configuration.

import { init } from 'pmcrypto';



Encrypt/sign and decrypt/verify string or binary data using keys

Encrypt/sign and decrypt/verify string or binary data using keys

To parse and decrypt the keys

const recipientPublicKey = await readKey({ armoredKey: '...' }); // or `binaryKey`
const senderPrivateKey = await decryptKey({
  privateKey: await readPrivateKey({ armoredKey: '...' }),
  passphrase: 'personal key passphrase'

To encrypt and sign:

const { 
  message: armoredMessage,
  encryptedSignature: armoredEncryptedSignature
} = await encryptMessage({
  textData: 'text data to encrypt', // or `binaryData` for Uint8Arrays
  encryptionKeys: recipientPublicKey, // and/or `passwords`
  signingKeys: senderPrivateKey,
  detached: true,
  format: 'armored' // or 'binary' to output a binary message and signature

// share `armoredMessage`

To decrypt and verify (non-streamed input):

// load the required keys
const senderPublicKey = await readKey(...);
const recipientPrivateKey = await decryptKey(...);

const { data: decryptedData, verified } = await decryptMessage({
  message: await readMessage({ armoredMessage }), // or `binaryMessage`
  encryptedSignature: await readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedSignature })
  decryptionKeys: recipientPrivateKey // and/or 'passwords'
  verificationKeys: senderPublicKey

For streamed inputs: to encrypt (and/or sign), pass the stream to textData or binaryData based on the streamed data type. Similarly, to decrypt and verify, the input options are the same as the non-streaming case. However, if armoredMessage (or binaryMessage) is a stream, the decryption result needs to be handled differently:

// explicitly loading stream polyfills for legacy browsers is required since v7.2.2
if (!globalThis.TransformStream) {
  await import('web-streams-polyfill/es6');

const { data: dataStream, verified: verifiedPromise } = await decryptMessage({
  message: await readMessage({ armoredMessage: streamedArmoredMessage }),
  ... // other options

// you need to read `dataStream` before resolving `verifiedPromise`, even if you do not need the decrypted data
const decryptedData = await readToEnd(dataStream);
const verificationStatus = await verified;
Encrypt/decrypt using the session key

Encrypt/decrypt using the session key directly

In v6, encryptMessage would return the generated session key if options.returnSessionKey: true was given. This option is no longer supported. Instead:

// First generate the session key
const sessionKey = await generateSessionKey({ recipientKeys: recipientPublicKey });

// Then encrypt the data with it
const { message: armoredMessage } = await encryptMessage({
  textData: 'text data to encrypt', // or `binaryData` for Uint8Arrays
  encryptionKeys: recipientPublicKey, // and/or `passwords`, used to encrypt the session key
  signingKeys: senderPrivateKey,

To decrypt, you can again provide the session key directly:

// Then encrypt the data with it
const { data } = await decryptMessage({
  message: await readMessage({ armoredMessage }),
  sessionKeys: sessionKey,
  verificationKeys: senderPublicKey,

You can also encrypt the session key on its own:

const armoredEncryptedSessionKey = await encryptSessionKey({
  encryptionKeys, // and/or passwords
  format: 'armored'

// And decrypt it with:
const sessionKey = await decryptSessionKey({
  message: await readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedSessionKey }),
  decryptionsKeys // and/or passwords


Headless Chrome (or Chromium), Firefox and Webkit are used for the tests. To install any missing browsers automatically, you can run npx playwright install --with-deps <chromium|firefox|webkit>. Alternatively, you can install them manually as you normally would on your platform. If you'd like to test on a subset of browsers, use e.g. npm test -- --browsers ChromeHeadless,FirefoxHeadless.