ProtoCentral_ads1262 copied to clipboard
Single-Ended mode
Hi There,
Do you have any idea how to make this work in Single-Ended mode? i.e measure the voltage difference between input A0 and COM. The documentations says the 1262 should be able to operate in this mode, but I cant figure out how to switch when looking at the example.
Along the same lines, where do I make changes if i want to measure from different pins than AN0 And AN1?
You need use INPMUX register to set the different analog pin as input.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Here is a small guide for people having the same problem.
for single mode operation connect the negative differential pin to ground using a jumper wire.
Change the pins used in line 78 in ads1262.cpp
e.g change the hex value next to INPMUX to a binary number as stated on page 94 in the datasheet. eg ads1262_Reg_Write(INPMUX, B00000001); // will be AIN pin 0 and 1 ads1262_Reg_Write(INPMUX, B01110010); // will be AIN pin 7 and 2
To change the sampling rate to 10Hz where there is the highest db 50/60Hz noise reduction change mode 2 at line 62 to: ads1262_Reg_Write(MODE2, B00000010);