AFE4490_Oximeter copied to clipboard
Porting this code
Hi guys,
I am trying to use this with a raspberry. I used this code and the BCM2835 for hardware management (GPIO etc....).
Most is working (communication, SPI, spo² value seems correct..) but the heartbeat is very unstable (78bpm then 150 then 90...).
Can you point at extra care to have to get this code working on another target? I have seen the "FS" constant that is supposed to be a sampling frequency, but I don't know how to adjust it for my target.
Thank you very much for your help.
@sreibs It looks you might be missing samples, can you please recheck your readback routines (to read data from the AFE4490's SPI)?
its not stable except when there is no light in the room
Hi all, I am sorry for being so late, this topic has been putting aside for a (too) long time. Here is the routine:
bool processAFE44xxMeasure(void){
bool result = false;
// if (drdy_trigger == HIGH)
if(bcm2835_gpio_lev(PIN_DRDY) == HIGH)
// detachInterrupt(0);
IRtemp = afe44xxRead(LED1VAL);
REDtemp = afe44xxRead(LED2VAL);
afe44xx_data_ready = true;
if(afe44xx_data_ready == true)
IRtemp = (unsigned long) (IRtemp<<10);
seegtemp = (signed long) (IRtemp);
seegtemp = (signed long) (seegtemp>>10);
REDtemp = (unsigned long) (REDtemp<<10);
seegtemp2 = (signed long) (REDtemp);
seegtemp2 = (signed long) (seegtemp2>>10);
aun_ir_buffer[n_buffer_count]=(uint16_t) (seegtemp>>4);
aun_red_buffer[n_buffer_count]=(uint16_t) (seegtemp2>>4);
estimate_spo2(aun_ir_buffer, 100, aun_red_buffer, &n_spo2, &ch_spo2_valid,&n_heart_rate, &ch_hr_valid);
g_AFE44xxData.bpm = (float)n_heart_rate;
g_AFE44xxData.spo2 = (float)n_spo2;
printf("Estimate data : \tbpm:%.0f\tspo2:%0.1f\n", g_AFE44xxData.bpm, g_AFE44xxData.spo2);
if(g_AFE44xxData.bpm >= 0 && g_AFE44xxData.spo2 >= 0){
result = true;
afe44xx_data_ready = false;
drdy_trigger = LOW;
// attachInterrupt(0, afe44xx_drdy_event, RISING );
while(bcm2835_gpio_lev(PIN_DRDY) == HIGH);
return result;
Do you think it is a matter of light in the room ?
Thank you for your feedback,