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change event not occure in customize component using md2-select, md2-optgroup and md2-option
Bug, feature request, or proposal:
change event not occure
What is the expected behavior?
change event must be occure
What is the current behavior?
change event not occure
What are the steps to reproduce?
write change event to selector Providing a Plunker (or similar) is the best way to get the team to see your issue.
<ss-multiselect-group-dropdown [options]="fieldLookup" name="fieldLookup{{i}}" [settings]="{checkedStyle: 'glyphicon', showCheckAll: false, enableSearch: true, showUncheckAll: false, isMultiple: false}" [texts]="{defaultTitle:'Select Field For Filter'}" [(ngModel)]="row.searchCrit" (change)="loadCondtionLookup($event)">
ss-multiselect-group-dropdown selector of my componenet in which i made customize component
<md2-select [placeholder]="placeHolderTitle" color="primary" [(ngModel)]="model" [multiple]="settings.isMultiple" [className]="settings.className" (onClose)="closeDialog()" (change)="changeValue($event)" [disabled]="disabled" #selectMultipleControl="ngModel" (onOpen)="focusSearchElement()">
<md2-option *ngFor="let i of" [value]="" [hidden]="!i.visible">
{{ }}
*html of component