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Worgen quest line broken by core
If you playing for worgen, you got quest 14222 after done quest you ported to new location, but its empty location because all npc here have phasemask 1 are you ported here with your mask (8, 1024 and etc...) Need set phasemask = 1 to player
the quest line is still being worked on.
im trying a small hack my side going to make change players phasemask to 1, compiling now..
void Spell::EffectLearnSpell(SpellEffIndex effIndex) { if (effectHandleMode != SPELL_EFFECT_HANDLE_HIT_TARGET) return;
if (!unitTarget)
if (unitTarget->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)
if (unitTarget->ToPet())
Player* player = unitTarget->ToPlayer();
uint32 spellToLearn = (m_spellInfo->Id == 483 || m_spellInfo->Id == 55884) ? damage : m_spellInfo->Effects[effIndex].TriggerSpell;
player->learnSpell(spellToLearn, false);
// Worgen Phase Fix
if (m_spellInfo->Id == 1645) // learn worgen form end of quest 14222
// END Worgen Phase Fix
sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_SPELLS_AURAS, "Spell: Player %u has learned spell %u from NpcGUID=%u", player->GetGUIDLow(), spellToLearn, m_caster->GetGUIDLow());
tested with a GM char .cast 1645 on my self puts me in the correct phase i can see NPCs :) but as player the phase mask doesnt stick, it reverts back???
the temp fix for now is set all creatures in map 654 to phase 8
that spell 1645 is not used to phase the player you need to find the correct phase spell There is no need and should not modify a spell that never did somthing to do somthing just so you can bypass scripting the npcs and the event for the next part, If you really want to hackfix it then just make it go to phase 1 and change all spawns to phase 1 else script the npc's,
it either will be one of the Worgen bites spells as you leave the worgen area, or a QUEST_PHASE_ZONE spell. this phase you are only in untill you acpect the next quest (5 minutes max) , as you enter the new map you also have a talk event going on whiel you are rooted in the stocks, once you complete this quest (Last Chance at Humanity) then you ar phased into 4096 by the spell 68481, untill quest Kill or be killed which then you go into phase 8192 by the use of the spell 68482
But remeber there not just phasing going on here , there persnal summing, Homebing, Talking, Movie playering, Server side script to root player, Put player in worgen form, then put the player int he stocks
also the reason you are ported with the wrong phase is beacuse there is no remove of the phase on quest complete , Remove the worgen bite then you will be fine, Ever do a quest end,SAI, for a temp /fast fix