SkyFire.406a copied to clipboard
some fixed spells -> someone know contact for this dev?
Who is Pelf?
Hmmm, i'll review them and see what can be used.
who knows :D
Where did these patches come from? I don't want some jackass spewing a bunch of crap because he didn't get credits.
cant google that guy anywhere thats why i ask if someone know him
That's wy i'd rather prefer to say that the patch was not mine than naming the owner :)
Very nice stuff i think
Wow that's a lot of material.. and still being added to. you could just credit "Pelf" or link back to the pastebin page if anything is used.
hm the rune system changes are for fking arkcore... there some entry / defines types that are from 200x
can be applyed to skyfire :-)
As long as it works... would be nice if some dev could use this codes and leave the proper credits.
Nice find Oneb1t!
@NorthStrider No such thing as ArcCORE. It's old skyfire renamed and passed off as if they wrote it all.
no such thing as skyfire its trinitycore ... :D no such thing as trinitycore its mangos no such thing as mangos its wowd etc.. :D
OneB1t, the main difference here is : ArkCORE is not open-source. They only release some "public releases" and don't share their code for those who are not "contributors". I think some things in ArkCORE are interesting (as a developper, since dev is a hobbie for me) but I only follow their work and will not help because of that.
TrinityCore said that they were based on MaNGOS, they shared their code. ProjectSkyfire said that they were based on TrinityCore, they shared their code. That's called a "Community project".
ArkCORE earns money. That's it. There are obviously some talented devs at ArkCORE, but their skill is used on the wrong project.
It's the same problem with private servers, not only illegals: they use core and don't give any credit, earn money and don't share their changes.
It's sad to see their forum is more active than Skyfire's one, because SkyFire is a really great project, and always (often ? :p) checks change's sources/credits.
That's why the links here are "great" but cannot be verified. We can use it as a start, or test it. But it would be better if we could contact the owner.
Sorry for my english, I'm french, you know ... And it's morning... What ?? 11 AM ?
@Siegels agree
i wanted to contact owner but its not possible to find any info about his mail/icq/msn anything.. thats why i made this issue
and about arkcore they have opensource fork of their emu and if you compare it to skyfire its much much better in terms of hardcore exploits
skyfire default: !!!Weapon damage is not counted!!! -- 3 months bug i also posted patch for it here -- no response DK death strike heal about 500milion DK rune system totally broken Druid AP calculation formula wrong Druids can exploit with swaping weapon in combat Druid Survival instinct kills you in 1sec Druid frenzified regeneration heal about 10x more warrior bladestorm makes warrior immune to slow effects as long as he have talent warrior heals have wrong coeficient so heals about 10x more dual spec bug mastery -> 2 active mastery specs about 50 not working talents which got fixed on arkcore shaman mastery gives him 5x attack at one lightning bolt sacred shield proc from everything rogue AP calculation wrong rogue without siegels patch have always 25% faster energy regen combo points counted twice
skyfire focus more on rewriting method names than on major issues...
but still i have hope :)
@OneB1t agree, the issues are dead, and some times they only fixes shit... the most important things are these high priority bugs.
That's why i'm focusing on class bugs, starting with the class I mostly know: Rogue, my main character on Blizz' servers. I'm still learning how this core works and can fix spells, like some of you did. Why don't we have more fixes ? There are 144 forked repos ...
SkyFire team ATM is, for me, on github: Bootz, SkyFire, Greymane, Sovak. Others are inactive, maybe too busy, and I don't blame anyone.
I just can't understand why there are so many projects with the same goal. Merging some of them, or just sharing fixes would be so nice (i.e. That's why I added a darkcore's fix in my last pull request).
here is repository with some of pelf patches if you want to use them
@OneB1t with people as you this community is best, the players should be grateful with all your work ^^
Walkum said it all! :) I am very grateful!!!
Great repository =) It allows us to have a better diff that the pastebin files (even if, as I can see, there are new files on it)
Hi, what did you want?
hi pelfik, your patches are so beautiful, thanks in name of all ^^
hiho, atm ur patches are so awsome that some guys like try to port em to new skyfire cuz ive seen that ur dk rune changes for example are only for that failure old arkcore/skyfire. so do u have any other changes for that on the new spellinfo system ?
pelf you have fixes for the professions cooldown reseted when you relog and the stack of dual spec when you change? thanks in advance
Walkum, check spell.dbc and spellcooldowns.dbc . There is bad data for profession cooldowns, so just set it manualy. Example:
void SpellMgr::LoadSpellCustomAttr() { ... case 75142: // Dream of Deepholm spellInfo->RecoveryTime = 0; spellInfo->CategoryRecoveryTime = 604800000; // 7 days ... }
Don't change spellInfo->SpellCooldownsId there, because it's never used after SpellMgr::LoadSpellCustomAttr().
And you have to read wowhead, there is something interesting. For example, spell=80243 will reset its category cooldown at 00:00. Some other spells have same feature. Try to implement that :)
Thanks for your help @Pelfik , I will try it, very thanks ^^