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:vertical_traffic_light: TDD Helpers for Knockout JS
TDD Helpers for Knockout components and bindings
Sample tests for a Knockout binding
'use strict'
const { renderHtml } = require('ko-component-tester')
const { expect } = require('chai')
describe ('Hello World text-binding', () => {
let $el
beforeEach(() => {
$el = renderHtml({
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: { greeting: 'Hello World'}
it('renders', () => {
it('renders correct text', () => {
expect($el.html()).equals('Hello World')
Sample tests for a Knockout component
'use strict'
const { renderComponent } = require('ko-component-tester')
const { expect } = require('chai')
describe('Hello World Component' , () => {
let $el
beforeEach(() => {
$el = renderComponent({
template: `<span data-bind="text: greeting"></span>`,
viewModel: function() { this.greeting = 'Hello World' }
afterEach(() => {
it('renders', () => {
it('renders correct content', () => {
expect($el.html()).contains('Hello World')
Sample Login test
'use strict'
const ko = require('knockout')
const { expect } = require('chai')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const { renderComponent } = require('../src')
class LoginComponent {
constructor() {
this.username = ko.observable()
this.password = ko.observable()
submit() {}
describe('sample login component' , () => {
let $el
before(() => {
$el = renderComponent({
viewModel: LoginComponent,
template: `
<form data-bind="submit: submit">
<input name="user" type="text" data-bind="value: username">
<input name="pass" type="text" data-bind="value: password">
<input type="submit">
after(() => {
it('renders correctly', () => {
expect($el.find('form'), 'contains a form').to.exist
expect($el.find('input[name="user"]', 'contains a username field')).to.exist
expect($el.find('input[name="pass"]', 'contains a password field')).to.exist
expect($el.find('input[type="submit"]', 'contains a submit button')).to.exist
it('updates the viewmodel when a value is changed', () => {
$el.find('input[name=user]').simulate('change', 'john')
it('can submit the form', () => {
const submitSpy = sinon.spy($el.$data().submit)
$el.find('input[name=user]').simulate('change', 'john')
$el.find('input[name=pass]').simulate('change', 'p455w0rd')
returns a jQuery element containing the rendered html output
- a string of html to be rendered -
- an object, function, or class
Example with viewModel function:
const options = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: function() { this.greeting = 'Hello Text Binding' }
const $el = renderHtml(options)
Example with viewModel class:
const options = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: class ViewModel {
constructor() {
this.greeting = 'Hello Text Binding'
const $el = renderHtml(options)
Example with viewModel object:
const options = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: { greeting: 'Hello Text Binding' }
const $el = renderHtml(options)
See spec for more examples of renderHtml().
renderComponent(component, params, bindingContext)
returns a jQuery element containing the rendered html output
- a string of html to be rendered -
- a function, class, or instance -
- optional params to be passed into the viewModel's constructor -
- optional bindingContext to inject (useful for stubbing$parent
Example with viewModel function:
const component = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: function() { this.greeting = 'Hello Text Binding' }
const $el = renderComponent(component)
// $el.dispose()
Example with viewModel class:
const component = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: class ViewModel {
constructor(params) {
this.greeting = params.greeting
const params = {
greeting: 'Hello Text Binding'
const $el = renderComponent(component, params)
// $el.dispose()
Example with viewModel instance:
class ViewModel {
constructor(params) {
this.greeting = params.greeting
const component = {
template: `<div data-bind="text: greeting"></div>`,
viewModel: { instance: new ViewModel(params) }
const $el = renderComponent(component)
// $el.dispose()
See spec for more examples of renderComponent().
see spec for examples
see spec for examples
see spec for examples
$el.simulate(event, value)
- the event to simulate, eg'click', or 'change'
- if provided this value will be assigned. It's handy for assigning a value to a textbox and triggering achange
event like this.
// simulate changing the value of a textbox
$input.simulate('change', 'new value')
// simulate clicking a button