Piero Dotti

Results 22 comments of Piero Dotti

@seuros do you ever tried to extend an active record relation? Me not. Should it `include` this module? https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/83e42d52e37a33682fcac856330fd5d06e5a529c/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb

@seuros Yes, I think so... I confess you I don't have a clear idea on how you like this to be done... Maybe I'm just taking this the wrong way....

Same issue here. I fixed like this for now: ``` ruby if list.empty? Contact .where("1 = 0") else Contact .where{ email.like_any(list) } end ``` I find the same issue closed...

Uhm, at least you should improve the documentation for it, I think! But it does the trick, thanks!

Hi @VeaaC, I've opened a PR (#58) adding a ruby implementation (starting from the python one).

@yahonda @tgxworld Any news about this? If not, I would be happy to help if needed! ;)

I tried, but derailed says that it's still required. :\ I think bundler is ignoring me, since `neo4j-rake_tasks` is an explicit dipendence ...

I checked a bit. It seems like `ActiveRecord::NestedAttributes` is strictly linked to `AutosaveAssociation` and `Reflection`, so I would need to implement both. If I'll get some time, I'll try to

Are you running protractor in a rails project?