psp2wpp copied to clipboard
Strange wave transition everytime i unlock the system
Firstly, i don't think that this is plugin's fault.
Steps to reproduce:
- install psp2wpp plugin from autoplugin 2
- rename 0.txt to 10.txt in ux0:data/waveparams/ (this is wave that comes with plugin
- on first page set any other wave than this one you renamed, for example set default system's blue wave
- restart system
Now everytime you wakeup system and swipe finger on lockscreen to step into LiveArea, you will see for fraction of second default white-yellow-black "spiky" waveparam i made.
It looks like that 11th wave (10.txt for us) is set when system is in sleep, which in default is black screen, probably for battery saving, or for wave transition effect, but when you have this black screen wave overwritten with custom one, it is really weird to see transition from wave that you didn't set on page.
Is there a way around this to ensure that there is no wave transition on wakeup? Thank you!
I haven't looked into this in detail, but I'm sure there were also parameters related to wave transitions.