Prateek Nandle
Prateek Nandle
@chipzoller @yuktea ig we need to update [test_command.go]( file and just change the tag of image to latest if its not declared, basically the resource version, so that means we...
oh yes, got it, my bad.
@chipzoller is this the [code](, where the default `latest` tag is implemented for weebhooks ?
> the first rule `require-image-tag` should fail the resource. yes, the resource fail for rule `require-image-tag`, I think it should not fail bcecause when there is no tag defined then...
> the rule checks the presence of the tag. > So, basically the policy says that image tag should not be defined as `latest`, and test cmd checks the image's...
NOTE : we already support logs for syscalls
Hey @alexeysofin, we tried this scenario ourselves and we found that the behaviour is the same of the apparmor profiles irrespective of the kubearmor presence. I've tried out this same...