node-authentication-jwt-mongodb icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A simple and secure implementation of REST API using Node.js and MongoDB with JSON Web Tokens which can be used for user authentication.

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Simple and secure REST API for User Authentication!

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What's inside this repo?

  1. User signup/registration with Email verification.
  2. User Login.
  3. Forgot password and reset password.
  4. Session management using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
  5. Bonus: Simple Referral System!

For a more detailed explanation of the code, you can refer to my medium post associated with this project. It is split into two parts.

  • Part I - Build User signup with email verification, forgot password and reset password.

  • Part II - Integrate JWT and Build a Simple Referral System.

Built With

  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Express.js - Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
  • MongoDB - Cross-platform document-oriented database program

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps :


To run this project, you'll need to have the following installed:

You can also use MongoDB Atlas if you prefer.


  1. Register at SendGrid SendGrid and create an API KEY.

  2. Clone the repo :

    git clone
  3. Install dependencies (use sudo if required) :

    npm install
  4. Create .env file and configure :

    SG_APIKEY = <SENDGRID_API_KEY>  //For sending emails
  5. Start the server :

    npm start