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AWSAR is a platform that connects government organizations and potential job seekers under one single domain, accompanied with a number of features to ease the process, dedicated to fulfilling every k...

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Smart India Hackathon 2020

Smart India Hackathon 2020

Problem Statement Code:

MK95 (Government Of Uttarakhand)

National Web Portal used for designing Job oriented courses with the help of Human Resource data and desirable skill sets from industries. Design a system to read the job description from the pdf and word document provided by government officials. Provide facility to review and edit the generated job description and publish on the portal. This portal should also provide facility to apply for job and further management of interview and selection process.



Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: React
  • Backend: Django, Django Rest Framework
  • IDE: VS Code
  • Design: Adobe Photoshop, Canva
  • API Testing & Documentation: Postman
  • Version Control: Git and GitHub
  • Machine Learning: Python, Jupyter Notebook
  • Database: Sqllite3
  • Hosting: Heroku, Netlify

How to Get Started?

GitHub Repository Structure

S.No. Branch Name Purpose
1. master contains the main code
2. backend contains all backend code
3. frontend contains all frontend code
4. documentation contains all documentation related changes
5. ml contains all machine learning code

To setup backend and run django server locally:

  • python3 -m venv env - to create virtual environment
  • source env/bin/activate - to activate virtual environment
  • pip install -r requirements.txt - to install requirements
  • cd awsar - to switch to src folder
  • python makemigrations - to make migrations
  • python migrate - to migrate data
  • python createsuperuser - to create a new superuser
  • python runserver - to run server on localhost

To setup frontend and run server locally:

  • cd awsar - to switch to frontend folder
  • npm install - to install npm modules
  • npm start - to run the server



Team Members

S.No. Team Member Name Role GitHub Username
1. Pragati Verma(Team Leader) Backend Development @PragatiVerma18
2. Rajat Verma Frontend Developer @rajat2502
3. Shristi Singh UI Designer/Frontend Developer @shristisingh29
4. Paurush Tiwari Data Science and Backend @MAJOR-BEAST
5. Abhinav Pratap Singh Machine Learning @abhinav223
6. Rohit Agnihotri Backend Development @Ryuk07


S.No. Mentor Name About GitHub Username
1. Vinit Shahdeo SDE @postmanlabs @vinitshahdeo
2. Kumar Rohit Product Designer @devfolioco @krrohitch