microsoft-teams-clone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
microsoft-teams-clone copied to clipboard

Developed a Microsoft teams clone as a part of Microsoft Engage '21


Konnect Well

Group Video Calls, Chat all in one place giving you a seamless communication experience!

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Deployment
  3. Built With
  4. Product Screenshots
  5. Contact

About The Project

  • Developed a video chat application as the part of Microsoft Engage Mentorship Program, this application is destined to be the approximate clone of the famous Microsoft Teams software.
  • A user must authenticate through any of the given identity providers (Microsoft, Google, Github, LinkedIn, Amazon) inorder to use the application.
  • Users can connect to each other through video calls which offer a wide range of capabilities like microphone mute/unmute, video mute/unmute, screen sharing, leave call, copy meeting code, ability to see the number of meeting participants and also inmeeting chat. Once a user starts a new meeting, he/she can either share the meeting link or copy the meeting code from the navigation bar to share the meeting with others.
  • The in-meeting chat is even persisted after the user leaves the meeting. So, if the user bychance forgets to note some things down when the meeting ends, he/she can also visit the chat section to see the respective meeting's chat.
  • Meetings are safe, before joining an existing meeting, the user requires to take the permission of the meeting admin to enter into the meeting. The meeting admin gets a notification and accordingly can admit or deny entry.
  • Users also have the option to chat with any other user separately or make groups, and moreover the chat is not just a text chat but the user can send any kind of information such as bold/italic/underline text, code part, embed a link, or send attachments.
  • We have popups for any invalid action - for eg entering an invalid meeting code in the "Enter a code" section of videochat, which clearly conveys the information to the user.
  • We have popups for some actions which nicely and clearly conveys the information to the user - for eg entering an invalid meeting code in the "Enter a code" section of videochat or when copying the meeting code in the videocall, or when admitting a new person, or when waiting for the admin to let you in.
  • We also have different sounds in the app, which make the overall user experience interactive. We have sounds for waiting, permission, joining a video call, receiving a chat message as well as error.


The web app is deployed using the Microsoft Azure App Service - used CI/CD
Konnect Well

PS: The deployment link maynot work in the future. It was deployed using the free subscription available which is expired now.

Built With

Product Screenshots

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Pradnesh Kalkar - [email protected]