## About The Pull Request Implements priority directives, as defined by the design documents posted in the associated thread in discord. Priority directives are optional missions given to traitors that...
Would be nice to be able to have a security item that lets you make automated radio calls from a radial menu.
The quick cuff remove trait is useless since if you get buckled to something while cuffed you have to wait 1 minute to unbuckle yourself before performing the quick cuff...
### Describe the feature request Why is spawners hidden away in the stat panel. It should be a button on the HUD for observers, with an immediate visual tell if...
We have rounds with 31 players and only 10 players ready up. This means that we can only ever run traitor. Players have these behaviours because they want to know...
Having an antag token should unlock a verb in OOC (Or preferably have a nice UI way of showing this, like on the main menu or something) that lets them...
Flowered vines don't show an alert to ghosts saying that you can control the mob. They should.
AI detect hud is unnecessarilly expensive for something 1 item uses
## About The Pull Request Uses the brand spanking new ability to render clientside appearances inside of img tags within the browser to bring back the stat icons. The only...
## About The Pull Request - Revs no longer block the shuttle - Revs no longer have a deconversion message - Lawyers and HOPs can now deconvert people by using...