## About The Pull Request - Gun equip times changed from 2-3 seconds down to 0.5-1.1 seconds. - Gun equip slowdown removed. - Guns will now slow down while held...
## About The Pull Request - Reduces stun baton stun damage from 75 to 40. - Stun baton's attack will now deal the same effect that disarming someone does -...
## About The Pull Request fixes #11036 Updates bleeding: - Amount of bleeding caused by a weapon is now determined by its bleed_force variable. - Limbs with over 20 damage...
[Design Goals]: Anything that allows for more consistent ways for ghosts to get back into the round.
### Describe the feature request Ghost events are too inconsistent to be considered proper respawns, and when there are like 8 people dead it will still only respawn 1 for...
### Describe the feature request Sources of slowdown need to be better communicated to players, potentially via a status effect or some other obvious indicator. This is especially true for...
### Describe the feature request Emagged APCs and AI hacked APCs should be indistinguishable.
### Describe the feature request Minor events should not affect someones mood. Our current mood system is far too driven by minor events that do almost nothing. Slipping shouldn't send...
### Describe the feature request Dynamic should have at least 1 roundstart execution, if there is one possible; even on low threat levels. Extended is specifically disabled, but not picking...
### Describe the feature request The armblade is incredibly weak and is need of a buff, losing the majority of fights that it enters into. Even if the armblade turfs...
### Describe the feature request The constract needs to be toned down on these kitchen tiles (on Metastation), this contrast is too distracting and makes it difficult to determine items...