vscode-powershell copied to clipboard
Clear of console and content vanishing after resize
- [X] I have written a descriptive issue title.
- [X] I have searched all issues to ensure it has not already been reported.
- [X] I have read the troubleshooting guide.
- [X] I am sure this issue is with the extension itself and does not reproduce in a standalone PowerShell instance.
- [X] I have verified that I am using the latest version of Visual Studio Code and the PowerShell extension.
- [X] If this is a security issue, I have read the security issue reporting guidance.
As discussed on Discord -> Problems with resize, write-progress:
Clear-Host not working properly
Is enabled:
"terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty": true,
PowerShell Version
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.22000.652
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.22000.652
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
Visual Studio Code Version
Extension Version
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Steps to Reproduce
As shown on GIFs try to do something in the console, resize, console up and down, type again, and notice how things get distorted.
No response
No response
I found a couple of settings, do any of them help?
// Use the vscode API to clear the terminal since that's the only reliable way to clear the scrollback buffer.
// Turn this on if you're use to 'Clear-Host' clearing scroll history as wellclear-terminal-via-lsp.
"powershell.integratedConsole.forceClearScrollbackBuffer": true,
// Before starting a new debug session in an integrated or external terminal, clear the terminal.
"debug.terminal.clearBeforeReusing": false,
I already have this enabled.
@PrzemyslawKlys is this still occurring, and does it only occur in the extension terminal?
It seems better, although while trying to show you new thing I noticed that only half of terminal is scrolling.
It seems to be better at least now that I try to "push it". I never tested it outside of extension terminal.
Interesting! Do please let me know how it compares to a non-extension terminal, that'll let us know if it's a PSES thing or a Code terminal thing.