vscode-powershell copied to clipboard
Suggestion: Include 'Run in External PowerShell Window' by default in debug options
Hi, all,
Firstly, I love this PowerShell in vscode, thank you for this! Secondly, I loved PowerGUI while it worked.
Mostly because a lot of the scripting work that I do is very one and done, and I don't need to do a lot of debugging, but the scripts I write are far too long to do freely in a powershell window.
As a result, I LOVED the 'Run in External PowerShell Window' option that PowerGUI supported.
I have found that I can get this functionality back by adding the following Launch Option into my Launch.json file, however, it took far longer than I care to admit to get it working as I wasn't sure about how the launch settings actually worked:
"type": "PowerShell",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Run in External PowerShell Window",
"script": "Start-Process",
"args": ["PowerShell.exe -Argumentlist '-NoExit -Executionpolicy Bypass -File ${File}'"],
"cwd": "${File}"
Can this please be added as a default Launch option for others who miss this functionality! :)
this also is implemented in another vscode extension and should imo be added to the vscode extension cc @SeeminglyScience