Win32-OpenSSH copied to clipboard
System Environment variables not resolving correct user profile
Troubleshooting steps
Terminal issue? please go through wiki
Please answer the following
"OpenSSH for Windows" version
((Get-Item (Get-Command sshd).Source).VersionInfo.FileVersion)
Server OperatingSystem
((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows nt\CurrentVersion\" -Name ProductName).ProductName)
Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops
Client OperatingSystem Windows 11
What is failing I am trying to set a System Environment using %UserProfile% TestSystemVar: %UserProfile%
Expected output
set TestSystemVar
Actual output
set TestSystemVar
@monil-patel - Please try V8.9. This should be fixed.
@bagajjal thanks for the quick response I can give that a shot.
Is there any docs/wikis/guidance on how OpenSSH is bundled with windows? In todays world we were relying on the version packaged with windows . We are setting up VM's for customers so we own the image to ensure the latest server is installed, but would need to handle for the client.
The documentation you linked is to the official Windows OpenSSH docs, this is the correct place to look. Currently, Win32-OpenSSH is bundles as a Feature-on-Demand (FoD) / optional feature. We do not provide any documentation on what versions of Win32-OpenSSH are install/included with each version of Windows. This is because the version in any given Windows version is subject to change at any point (due to security/patching/etc.).
If you are looking for the latest install (currently 8.9.1), look at our releases. I think the msi install would be the most simple to use for your scenario.