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Build-PSArmTemplate Alias for Publish-PSArmTemplate
Publish to most powershell people means "do a deployment" e.g. Publish-Module. If the command isn't renamed directly, it should at least be aliased to Build-PSArmTemplate to be more instinctive and follow the typical lexicon:
❯ get-verb build,publish | fl
Verb : Publish
AliasPrefix : pb
Group : Data
Description : Makes a resource available to others
Verb : Build
AliasPrefix : bd
Group : Lifecycle
Description : Creates an artifact (usually a binary or document) out of some set of input files (usually source code
or declarative documents)
In Windows PowerShell 5.1, I think these are our options:
> get-verb |sort -Property Verb
Verb Group
---- -----
Add Common
Approve Lifecycle
Assert Lifecycle
Backup Data
Block Security
Checkpoint Data
Clear Common
Close Common
Compare Data
Complete Lifecycle
Compress Data
Confirm Lifecycle
Connect Communications
Convert Data
ConvertFrom Data
ConvertTo Data
Copy Common
Debug Diagnostic
Deny Lifecycle
Disable Lifecycle
Disconnect Communications
Dismount Data
Edit Data
Enable Lifecycle
Enter Common
Exit Common
Expand Data
Export Data
Find Common
Format Common
Get Common
Grant Security
Group Data
Hide Common
Import Data
Initialize Data
Install Lifecycle
Invoke Lifecycle
Join Common
Limit Data
Lock Common
Measure Diagnostic
Merge Data
Mount Data
Move Common
New Common
Open Common
Optimize Common
Out Data
Ping Diagnostic
Pop Common
Protect Security
Publish Data
Push Common
Read Communications
Receive Communications
Redo Common
Register Lifecycle
Remove Common
Rename Common
Repair Diagnostic
Request Lifecycle
Reset Common
Resize Common
Resolve Diagnostic
Restart Lifecycle
Restore Data
Resume Lifecycle
Revoke Security
Save Data
Search Common
Select Common
Send Communications
Set Common
Show Common
Skip Common
Split Common
Start Lifecycle
Step Common
Stop Lifecycle
Submit Lifecycle
Suspend Lifecycle
Switch Common
Sync Data
Test Diagnostic
Trace Diagnostic
Unblock Security
Undo Common
Uninstall Lifecycle
Unlock Common
Unprotect Security
Unpublish Data
Unregister Lifecycle
Update Data
Use Other
Wait Lifecycle
Watch Common
Write Communications
I'd say my top candidates in order are:
I think I would opt for New
over Publish
, or even Invoke-BuildPSArmTemplate
if you want to get really silly.
I'm mostly thinking of existing conventions that people are used to for these verbs (that's why they exist after all)
makes kind of sense sense but normally when you're dealing with an object residing in PS memory and not pointing it at a script. e.g. export-csv, export-excel -
are the same way, you don't normally point these to aPath
without piping something to them. -
has become kind of a catch-all when there's not a more suitable verb.
My vote is new for 5.1 compatibilty, with Build available as an alias for 7:
New-PSArmTemplate -Path Myscript.arm.ps1 -OutFile MyOutputFolder
It lines up nicely with New-AzDeployment
as well
is more transparent about the fact that we're actually running something user-provided under the hood
Anyway, I'll let this discussion play out without me now that I've added my 2 cents — I know how verb discussions go.
& ConvertFrom
would be my choices though that said we don't usually output a file from those commands
@kilasuit I agree, a lot of these are tricky because some "de-facto" conventions have evolved that the action being done here doesn't quite fit into the column. For instance the Convert
verbs are almost exclusively used by piping and output an object.
Just found out that Build
actually isn't valid in PS 7.0 unfortunately (VerbsLifecycle.Build
doesn't compile against the 7.0 SDK) — it seemed like the most appropriate choice to me, but not sure if this rules it out entirely
Just found out that
actually isn't valid in PS 7.0 unfortunately (VerbsLifecycle.Build
doesn't compile against the 7.0 SDK) — it seemed like the most appropriate choice to me, but not sure if this rules it out entirely
I an very wonder, it presents in 7.*. Bug in SDK?
While I agree Build would be best yet undoable if ps5 compatibility is the case, I would also argue that according to the descriptions "export" would be most fitting.
Encapsulates the primary input into a persistent data store, such as a file, or into an interchange format
sounds to me, non native, like it fits pretty well.
is my leading 5.1-compatible verb vote, since it is typically used with a path in other situations. The Build
alias could be conditional on a 7.1 version check.
Convert, Export, merge or new.
the publish keyword really isn’t right in my opinion.
invoke could be an option but the noun afterwards would have to change to invoke-psarmtemplateconversion or invoke-psarm templatebuild. Saying invoke-psarmtemplate would imply to me we are actually running/deploying the template. if you were just to say that to me, that’s what I would think.
convert-psarmtojson or something like that would be my preference and is most clear to someone not knowing the semantics of what is going on
I guess the end goal is to avoid this all together right and have the new-azresourcegroupdeployment command accept psarm.ps1 files natively
@rdbartram that would be ideal of course once it gets to a rc status I was planning to raise an issue or PR. There's precedent for it since they now accept Bicep files (even if all they do is just run bicep and then submit the json).
I don't think this is needed as least not what is requested in the issue title and for proper downlevel support & proper usability
Aliases should be short, and should ideally never need to be a full cmdlet/function name aliasing from one long name to another. We don't need or want the Enable-AzureRmAlias
pain again if it can be avoided.
A shorter alias though of something along the lines of ipsab
short for Invoke-PSArmTemplateBuild
I think makes more sense overall
Verb | Group | Description | Why / Why not |
New | Common | Creates a resource | You're not creating a resource |
Write | Communications | Adds information to a target | This isn't about communication |
Out | Data | Sends data out of the environment | We are not sending data out |
Export | Data | Encapsulates the primary input into a persistent data store, such as a file, or into an interchange format | Well, this is ... sort-of what we're doing |
Build | Lifecycle | Creates an artifact (usually a binary or document) out of some set of input files (usually source code or declarative documents) | Yes, this is what we're doing, exactly. |
You should never use Invoke-<something>ActualVerb
or Invoke-ActualVerb<something>
just because you feel like the right verb isn't "allowed". Save Invoke for when you're calling something else, like Invoke-Item
or Invoke-Sql
or Invoke-WebRequest
or Invoke-WSManAction` ...
In this case, Build-PSArmTemplate
seems obvious to me. Or Build-ArmTemplate
if you think the right noun for "Build" is it's output (Build-CSProj
vs Build-Executable
seems right to me).
If you can't bear to see a warning on PowerShell 5, then I think it should be Export-ArmTemplate
with a Build-PSArmTemplate
alias (but for the love of scripting, don't make the alias conditional).
Given that:
- Build is not an approved verb for <7
- This command does not publish the template, it converts your PSArm template into an ARM template
I'd like to suggest / request that the verb be "ConvertTo" or "Convert"
Note: ConvertTo will imply eventually building a ConvertFrom
While ConvertTo and ConvertFrom generally mean changing data types and outputting them as objects to output rather than to file, it's a reasonable consideration over Export/Build I think.
While ConvertTo and ConvertFrom generally mean changing data types and outputting them as objects to output rather than to file, it's a reasonable consideration over Export/Build I think.
Thanks for the vote of support!
This is also the beautiful part:
It is converting. Specifically: Converting from a ScriptBlock containing PSArm commands to JSON.
Though, perhaps, just perhaps, it should be able to output an object as well 😄
Additionally, ConvertTo could be huge in helping adoption.
ConvertTo-PSArmTemplate could generate a PSArm template from an existing template / template object, thus letting every template under the sun quickly and cheerfully convert to PSArm.
When implemented right, these two verbs are really valuable.