```PHP ``` In the example above when the page is loaded all checkboxes in the table will be checked except the master "check-all" checkbox in table header. This checkbox must...
When the `GridView` is configured with `Sort` object having `enableMultiSort` property set to `true` there is no way for the user to disable/turn off sorting by one of the `GridView`...
When you have an `ActiveForm` with `checkboxList()` and none of the checkboxes is selected by a user, the form submits an empty array. When you have a `GridView` with `CheckboxColumn`s...
Lets say I have a table Project with a composite foreign key with two columns (account_id,created_by) to another table User. In such a case Gii uses the name of the...
In some cases (see example below) DatePicker transforms invalid user input into invalid date. Instead exact invalid user input must remain in the field. Example: `Yii::$app->formatter->dateFormat` is set to `'php:Y-m-d'`...
Added PHPDoc type hinting for request and response properties of yii\base\Controller derived classes
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ✔️ | New feature? | ❌ | Breaks BC? | ❌ | Fixed issues | See below ```PHP...
The https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/pull/13618 introduced "magic" functionality that makes it look like changing foreign key attribute of a model also changes loaded relation model dependent on this foreign key. This was achieved...
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ✔️ | New feature? | ❌ | Breaks BC? | ✔️ | Fixed issues | #19788
Since PHP 8.2 has deprecated dynamic properties I had to switch to storing relation data in ActiveRecord model using `ActiveRecord::populateRelation()` method. This lead to surfacing of surprising problems in my...
When primary model has a relation that uses `inverseOf`, "finding" primary model as an object with relation as array produces PHP error. All other combinations of object/array for primary model...