pdns copied to clipboard
auth-4.7.0-beta2: secpoll and docs
Short description
I have:
- [ ] read the CONTRIBUTING.md document
- [ ] compiled this code
- [ ] tested this code
- [ ] included documentation (including possible behaviour changes)
- [ ] documented the code
- [ ] added or modified regression test(s)
- [ ] added or modified unit test(s)
- [ ] checked that this code was merged to master
@check-spelling-bot Report
Unrecognized words, please review:
- norve
- zonecache
Previously acknowledged words that are now absent
AUTHIP CIDR dnsheader pieter weightparamsTo accept these unrecognized words as correct (and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words), run the following commands
... in a clone of the [email protected]:Habbie/pdns.git repository
on the auth-4.7.0-beta2-docs
update_files() {
perl -e '
my @expect_files=qw('".github/actions/spell-check/expect.txt"');
my @stale=qw('"$patch_remove"');
my $re=join "|", @stale;
my $suffix=".".time();
my $previous="";
sub maybe_unlink { unlink($_[0]) if $_[0]; }
while (<>) {
if ($ARGV ne $old_argv) { maybe_unlink($previous); $previous="$ARGV$suffix"; rename($ARGV, $previous); open(ARGV_OUT, ">$ARGV"); select(ARGV_OUT); $old_argv = $ARGV; }
next if /^(?:$re)(?:(?:\r|\n)*$| .*)/; print;
}; maybe_unlink($previous);'
perl -e '
my $new_expect_file=".github/actions/spell-check/expect.txt";
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
make_path (dirname($new_expect_file));
open FILE, q{<}, $new_expect_file; chomp(my @words = <FILE>); close FILE;
my @add=qw('"$patch_add"');
my %items; @items{@words} = @words x (1); @items{@add} = @add x (1);
@words = sort {lc($a)."-".$a cmp lc($b)."-".$b} keys %items;
open FILE, q{>}, $new_expect_file; for my $word (@words) { print FILE "$word\n" if $word =~ /\w/; };
close FILE;
system("git", "add", $new_expect_file);
curl -L -s -S \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
"https://api.github.com/repos/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/comments/1208052292" > "$comment_json"
jq -r .body < "$comment_json" > $comment_body
rm $comment_json
patch_remove=$(perl -ne 'next unless s{^</summary>(.*)</details>$}{$1}; print' < "$comment_body")
patch_add=$(perl -e '$/=undef;
s{\s+}{ }g;
print' < "$comment_body")
rm $comment_body
git add -u
If the flagged items do not appear to be text
If items relate to a ...
well-formed pattern.
If you can write a pattern that would match it, try adding it to the
file.Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can test yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.
Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
binary file.
Please add a file path to the
file matching the containing file.File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can test yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so^README\.md$
would exclude README.md (on whichever branch you're using).