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PowerDNS Authoritative Ansible role
We should allow this action on "Rocky" too, since it is almost same Centos, it has epel available.
Are there plans for RHEL9 support?
The `configure.yml` tasks for powerdns involve a service restart. However, if the `pdns_can_network_connect_db` bool is not set prior to this task, the play will fail. The solution to this is...
The `configure.yml` tasks for powerdns involve a service restart. However, if the `pdns_can_network_connect_db` bool is not set prior to this task, the play will fail. The solution to this is...
implemented the option to run the mysql db commands on first node in group only in order to avoid errors on clustered setups
... as it may be of interest in case of errors ...
Hello there 👋 I'm trying to deploy the thing on Rocky 8.5. Inventory conf: ```` pdns_install_repo: "" ```` PowerDNS version ``` pdns_server --version Mar 16 09:21:40 PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.6.0...
The current settings assume that default-mysql-client can always be installed, which is not the case. On Ubuntu 20.04, this defaults to mysql-client-8.0. Attempting to install this with a MariaDB server...
- Program: Authoritative, pdns-ansible - Issue type: Bug report ### Short description SELinux (permissive) complains that if enforcing it would not allow pdns_server to bind to the random high v4/v6...
Ensure there is an opportunity to configure PowerDNS with flat named configuration files from ansible role itself.