PII_detection copied to clipboard
Application and python script to identify, remove, and/or recode personally identifiable information (PII) from field experiment datasets.
PII Application
This application identifies likely PII (personally identifiable information) in a dataset. To use, download the .exe installer from the latest release and follow the in-app directions.
This tool is current listed as an alpha release because it is still being tested on IPA PII-containing field datasets.
How does it work?
There are a series of rules that are applied to a dataset's column to identify if a given column is a PII. Such rules are:
- If column name or label match with any word of the list of restricted words ( ex 'name', 'surname', 'ssn', etc; check restricted_words.py). The match could be strict or fuzzy. Check
. - If entries in a given column have a specific format (at the moment checking phone number format and date format, we can expand to gps, national identifiers, etc).
. - If all entries in a given column are sufficiently sparse (almost all unique). Ideal to identify open ended questions.
. - If columns with locations have any location with population under 20,000. Check
Importantly, this is an arbitrary defined list of conditions, and for sure can be improved. Very open to feedback!
Once the PIIs are identified, users have the opportunity to say what they would like to do with those columns. Options are: drop column, encode column or keep column. According to those instructions, a new de-identified dataset is created. Also, the system outputs a log .txt file and a .csv file that maps the new and encoded values.
Finding PII in unstructured text
The repo has code written to identify PII in text, and replace the PIIs for a 'xxxxxx' string. So, rather than flagging a whole column and dropping/encoding it, they user might prefer to replace the PII by this string and keep everything else. The code searches for PII based on classic common names of people and cities. This functionality is finished but super slow at the moment, so it is currently not enabled.
Files included
Main files
- app_frontend.py: App GUI script using tkinter.
- PII_data_processor.py: App backend, it reads data files, identifies PIIs and creates new de-identified data files.
- find_piis_in_unstructed_text.py: Script used by PII_data_processor to particularly detect piis in unstructured text
Other utility files
- restricted_words.py: Script to get restricted words for PII identification
- constant_strings.py: Declares strings used across app.
- query_google_answer_boxes.py: Script to query locations and populations
- dist folder: Contains .exe file for execution
- hook-spacy.py: Dependency file needed when creating .exe
How to run
python app_frontend.py
Remember to install dependencies mentioned in requirements.txt
To create executable app
pyinstaller --windowed --icon=app_icon.ico --add-data="app_icon.ico;." --add-data="ipa_logo.jpg;." --add-data="anonymize_script_template_v2.do;." --additional-hooks-dir=. --hiddenimport srsly.msgpack.util --noconfirm app_frontend.py
To create windows application installer
Compile create_installer.iss
using Inno Setup Compiler
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrpvNvklmFA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTQ-atboQiI&t=135s
IPA's RT-DEG teams.
J-PAL: stata_PII_scan. 2020. https://github.com/J-PAL/stata_PII_scan
J-PAL: PII-Scan. 2017. https://github.com/J-PAL/PII-Scan
The PII script is MIT Licensed.