Ben Peachey

Results 222 comments of Ben Peachey

I'd say, use the same refactor pattern generally used for code. Add a bit of text and move it to a separate file when the content grows beyond comfortable bounds....

Hi! Apologies for my slow response, I've been ill this last week. First off, let me reassure you, the plugin is quite stable! We have not run any stress-tests yet,...

🤔 Is still an issue? Please advise... unsure.

@idan ✔️ Issue can be closed. If anything, this should be a question on StackOverflow

On most systems, once installed to `/home/ben/.local/bin/`, calling `bpkg` should Just Work:tm: Running `curl -sLo- | bash` and `bpkg install TypedDevs/bashunit` works for me... Calling `bpkg-install` directly also seems...

Looks like `$HOME/.local/bin` is not sourced, hence `bpkg` not being found. That is also the cause of all the other errors. The option here are: 1. Install as `sudo` to...

@samlikins Good call! I'll updated my response. :+1: Wouldn't `PREFIX` need to be `export PREFIX` to be available? (I'm still not 100% fluent in BASH scoping...) I do know [Zsh...

Personally, I have a great dislike for the mini- and micro-package paradigm. I _do_ have individual packages that offer (multiple) sub-functions but instead of adding those as dependencies for the...

@idan ✔️ Issue can be closed. The linked URLs gives a 404 (i.e. the gist has been removed / no longer exists)

@dcasati This is your friendly one-year-later reminder to ask if you might be interested.