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rings.repl fails to start: Error downloading cc.redberry:rings.scaladsl_2.13:2.5.7

Open tueda opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Hi, I would like to just file a problem about rings.repl. Currently, it fails to start:

$ rings.repl
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option AggressiveOpts was deprecated in version 11.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Failed to resolve ivy dependencies:Error downloading cc.redberry:rings.scaladsl_2.13:2.5.7
  not found: /home/tueda/.ivy2/local/cc.redberry/rings.scaladsl_2.13/2.5.7/ivys/ivy.xml
  not found: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/cc/redberry/rings.scaladsl_2.13/2.5.7/rings.scaladsl_2.13-2.5.7.pom

Maybe this is due to some update of ammonite-repl (now 2.0.4), and actually rings.scaladsl_2.13 does not exist in that URL.

tueda avatar Mar 10 '20 15:03 tueda

Hi, Takahiro!

Thanks for reporting. I confirm the problem. The truth is that I need to update Rings.scaladsl for Scala 2.13; hope to finish this by the end of the week. Until that time, the workaround is to downgrade the ammonite.

Additionally, I'm planning to built native (linux/osx/win) application for Rings.repl using JLink. This is already on road. With the native app there will be no such problems, and I hope it will be generally much easier to use Rings REPL.

PoslavskySV avatar Mar 11 '20 09:03 PoslavskySV

Any chance we might see a Scala 2.13 artifact published soon? I use Rings in my project and it is currently the only thing blocking me from moving t 2.13... Rings is a wonderful library and it'd be great to be able to use it with 2.13! I see that there has already been some work on the code base to prep for the upgrade, but no published artifact yet.

Thank you! Aaron

aaron-siegel avatar Sep 23 '21 04:09 aaron-siegel

Hi guys! Sorry for a long delay and for inconvenience. I just released an update (2.5.8) for Scala 2.13, it should work, and if not - please, let me know! @aaron-siegel

PoslavskySV avatar Sep 26 '21 22:09 PoslavskySV

Fantastic news! My project's tests pass with the 2.5.8 release, so, so far so good... thank you!!


aaron-siegel avatar Sep 27 '21 04:09 aaron-siegel

It's very nice that the version 2.5.8 has been uploaded!

No need to hurry, but to run rings.repl with Rings 2.5.8 and Scala 2.1.3, it should be a bit changed:

--- a/rings.repl/rings.repl
+++ b/rings.repl/rings.repl
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ case $os in


@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ $ringsString" \
                import rings.scaladsl._
                import util._
                import syntax._
-        import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+        import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
                implicit val $$tPrintBigInteger    : pprint.TPrint[IntZ]               = pprint.TPrint.literal[IntZ]("IntZ")
                implicit val $$tPrintRational      : pprint.TPrint[rings.Rational[_]]  = pprint.TPrint.literal[rings.Rational[_]]("Rational")
                implicit val $$tPrintMonomialOrder : pprint.TPrint[Ordering]           = pprint.TPrint.literal[Ordering]("MonomialOrder")

(and the corresponding URL in homebrew-rings/rings.repl.rb .)

tueda avatar Sep 27 '21 07:09 tueda