DCPose copied to clipboard
DCPose/datasets/zoo/posetrack/posetrack_utils/poseval/py/convert.py", line 200, in from_new for person_info in track_data["annotations"]: KeyError: 'annotations'
hello, I have met a problem,,when I reproduced the excellent research, DCPose
I run command
python run.py
--cfg ../configs/posetimation/DcPose/posetrack18/model_RSN.yaml --test
the yaml about val and test
VAL: ANNOT_DIR: './DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_annotation_dirs/val/' COCO_BBOX_FILE: './DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_precomputed_boxes/val_boxes.json' USE_GT_BBOX: false BBOX_THRE: 1.0 IMAGE_THRE: 0.2 IN_VIS_THRE: 0.2 NMS_THRE: 1.0 OKS_THRE: 0.9 FLIP_VAL: false POST_PROCESS: true
TEST: ANNOT_DIR: './DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_annotation_dirs/test' COCO_BBOX_FILE: './DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_precomputed_boxes/test_boxes.json' USE_GT_BBOX: false BBOX_THRE: 1.0 IMAGE_THRE: 0.2 IN_VIS_THRE: 0.2 NMS_THRE: 1.0 OKS_THRE: 0.9 FLIP_TEST: false POST_PROCESS: true
it appear this error in test but not in val
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 34, in
I have a question the dict"trans_data"has keys ['images', 'annotations', 'categories'] I can find this three keys in "DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_json_files/posetrack_val.json" but there are just tow keys['images', 'categories'] in 'DcPose_supp_files/posetrack18_json_files/posetrack_test.json' this is the reason why I met this error. Does the file -- poestrack_test.json is complete! I am waiting for your anwser. Thank you!
Hi @desires19, Thank you for your interest in our work.
Because the PoseTrack dataset producers do not release the annotations of PoseTrack2017 and PoseTrack 2018 test sets, the ground truths of test sets are not available for us. Thus, the json file "posetrack_test.json" only includes the information of input videos and does not contain annotations.
Although the program throws the problem of KeyError in test phase, it actually runs successfully, and you can find a series of json files in the output folder "{output_folder}/{model_x}/test/use_precomputed_box/prediction_result/test_set_json_results/". You can upload these json files to the official PoseTrack evaluation server (https://posetrack.net/) for obtaining the accuracy of the model in the test set.