BlurEffectForAndroidDesign copied to clipboard
Blurring downloaded image
Dear PomepuyN,
Thanks for your great sample!!
I am trying to add picasso image loader to download any image from flickr. But seems it is not working with picasso.
Better to share any sample to blurring downloaded images.
Happy New Year!!
I tried many times to blur image downloaded from internet by use your Blur.fastblur() method, but failed. There is no any error logged, maybe renderscript problem? Later I use your method to decode a picture in local by use BitmapFactory.decodeResource(), that's will be success, rendersript worked well, but when you try blur download bitmap, that's will always be failed, I don't know why, I use Volley's ImageLoader to get bitmap from internet, when picture fetched, there will be a bitmap returned, then you use this bitmap to blur, failed with no luck.
Volley's ImageLoader return bitmap with Bitmap.Config.ARGB_565, but RenderScript expected Bitmap.ARGB_8888, so that's reason why your renderscript blur method crashed.
Bitmap bitmap = sentBitmap.copy(sentBitmap.getConfig(), true);
maybe you can add some error handle when passed a bitmap is Bitmap.Config.ARGB_565 :100:
You can blurring downloaded image with picasso.
Picasso.with(getContext()).load("image").transform(new Transformation() {
public Bitmap transform(Bitmap bitmap) {
Bitmap b = Blur.fastblur(getContext(), bitmap, 13);
return b;
public String key() {
return "blur";
NOTE: Do Not config bitmap to RGB_565
ths ,@devflow