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add a proto.getTforPoint(point)
If a point is on-or-near-enough the curve, return all t values that yield the specified point.
This will allow things like:
ts = getTforPoint(p)
ds = (ts: (t) => split(t).length)
yield ds
Hey, I implemented this function for 3d non-intersecting cubic curves. Posting it here in case you find it useful: (NLA.equals and NLA.isZero are fuzzy comparison functions, solveCubicRoot2 is a modified version of your utils.roots which works when a == 0 and b == 0)
* Returns curve parameter t for point p on curve.
* @param p
* @returns {*}
pointLambda: function (p) {
var {p0, p1, p2, p3} = this
// calculate cubic equation coefficients
// a t³ + b t² + c t + d = 0
// multiplying out the cubic Bézier curve equation gives:
// a = -p0 + 3 p1 - 3 p2 + p3
// b = 3 p0 - 6 p1 + 3 p2
// c = -3 p0 + 3 p1
// d = p0 - p
var a = p1.minus(p2).times(3).minus(p0).plus(p3)
var b =
var c = p1.minus(p0).times(3)
var d = p0.minus(p)
var results = null, newResults
// assume passed point is on curve and that curve does not self-intersect,
// i.e. there is exactly one correct result for t
// try to find a single result in the x-dimension, if multiple are found,
// filter them by checking the other dimesions
if (NLA.isZero(a.x) && NLA.isZero(b.x) && NLA.isZero(c.x)) {
// ax == bx == cx == 0 => x(t) = dx
// x value is constant
// if x == 0 for all t, this does not limit the result, otherwise, there is no result, i.e
// the passed point is not on the curve
} else {
newResults = solveCubicReal2(a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x)
console.log('xres', a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x, newResults)
if (results) {
results = results.filter(t => newResults.some(t2 => NLA.equals(t, t2)))
} else {
results = newResults
if (results.length == 1) return results[0]
if (NLA.isZero(a.y) && NLA.isZero(b.y) && NLA.isZero(c.y)) {
} else {
newResults = solveCubicReal2(a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y)
console.log('yres', a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y, newResults,
if (results) {
results = results.filter(t => newResults.some(t2 => NLA.equals(t, t2)))
} else {
results = newResults
if (results.length == 1) return results[0]
if (NLA.isZero(a.z) && NLA.isZero(b.z) && NLA.isZero(c.z)) {
} else {
newResults = solveCubicReal2(a.z, b.z, c.z, d.z)
if (results) {
results = results.filter(t => newResults.some(t2 => NLA.equals(t, t2)))
} else {
results = newResults
if (results.length == 1) return results[0]
assert(false, 'found no t; point '' is not on curve')
nice - does Cardano's algorithm break down on a=0 and b=0 though?
Well assuming the form a t³ + b t² + c t + d = 0
, the first step is to normalize it to t³ + b/a t² + c/a t + d/a = 0
which obviously doesn't work for a == 0
, so I pass it to a quadratic formula implementation, which also assumes a normalized form x² + c/b x + d/b = 0
At that points it's just a line, solving is easy :-D
+1 on this feature. @NaridaL , can you also provide your implementation of solveCubicRoot2 ?
@danmarshall As I said, it basically the same as @Pomax 's version, with added parameter checking. For what it's worth:
function solveCubicReal2(a, b, c, d) {
if (NLA.isZero(a)) {
if (NLA.isZero(b)) {
return [-d/c]
} else {
return pqEquation(c / b, d / b)
var div = a
a = b/div
b = c/div
c = d/div
var p = (3*b - a*a)/3,
p3 = p/3,
q = (2*a*a*a - 9*a*b + 27*c)/27,
q2 = q/2,
discriminant = q2*q2 + p3*p3*p3,
// 18abcd - 4b³d + b²c² - 4ac³ - 27a²d²
if (discriminant < -NLA.PRECISION) {
var mp3 = -p/3,
mp33 = mp3*mp3*mp3,
r = Math.sqrt( mp33 ),
t = -q/(2*r),
cosphi = t<-1 ? -1 : t>1 ? 1 : t,
phi = Math.acos(cosphi),
crtr = Math.cbrt(r),
t1 = 2*crtr
x1 = t1 * Math.cos(phi/3) - a/3
x2 = t1 * Math.cos((phi+2*Math.PI)/3) - a/3
x3 = t1 * Math.cos((phi+4*Math.PI)/3) - a/3
return [x1, x2, x3]
} else if(discriminant <= NLA.PRECISION) {
u1 = q2 < 0 ? Math.cbrt(-q2) : -Math.cbrt(q2)
x1 = 2*u1-a/3
x2 = -u1 - a/3
return [x1,x2]
} else {
var sd = Math.sqrt(discriminant)
u1 = Math.cbrt(-q2+sd)
v1 = Math.cbrt(q2+sd)
return [u1-v1-a/3]
solves x² + px + q = 0
function pqEquation(p, q) {
// 4 times the discriminant:
var discriminant4 = p * p / 4 - q
if (discriminant4 < -NLA.PRECISION) {
return []
} else if (discriminant4 <= NLA.PRECISION) {
return [-p/2]
} else {
var root = Math.sqrt(discriminant4)
return [-p/2 - root, -p/2 + root]
It is not clear enough. how should I involved these code to my project.
Bezier should be extended to support this feature?
you shouldn't, this code should get worked into bezierjs itself.