uni-virtualizer copied to clipboard
Example for Infinite Scroller
I like to use the visualizer to create an infinite-scroller for a list where its content should be extended with the next page of items when the end of the current set / page get reached.
The issue I have is when I add additional elements to the items, then it get not automatically recognized by the virtualizer. So how can I achieve this? e.g.
export class ProductScrollerView extends View {
data = Array(100)
.map((e, i) => {
return this.createElement(i);
render() {
return html`
.renderItem=${(item : any) => html`<div><b>${item.name}</b></div>`}
visibilityChanged( e: VisibilityChangedEvent) {
console.log("first:" + e.first + " ,last: " + e.last);
if (e.last == this.data.length - 1) {
console.log("end reached!!!");
// this is not working, virtualizer seems not to get notified about that the items length has changed
// what has here to be changed?
for (let i = e.last; i < e.last + 100; i++) {
createElement(id : any) {
return {
name: `Item ID: ${id}`
You need to create a new array and assing that to the data property, e.g. this.data = [ ...this.data, ...newData]
where newData
is an array only containing the items you want to append.