paper-slider copied to clipboard
Slider not change value when the binding data is set to `undefined`
With paper-sliver in version "1.0.3"
The slider not change the display value (in editable or not), when the binding value is set to undefined
The problem is the slider keep the last value. That is a big problem when you load some data from a web-service, and when is they are no value define.
I write a little web-component that reset the json value when you click in the button.
<dom-module id="slider-bug">
<h1>Not reset on change value to undefined</h1>
<paper-button on-tap="unsetSliderValue">
<iron-icon icon="user"></iron-icon>
<span>Reset Slider value = [<span>{{data.slider}}</span>]</span>
<paper-slider min="10" max="200" value="{{data.slider}}" editable="true"></paper-slider>
is: 'slider-bug',
properties: {
data: {
type: Object,
notity: true,
value: function () {
return {slider: 15}
unsetSliderValue: function () {
this.set('data.slider', undefined);
Init State
After click the button
@jmorille I think we can handle this case.