app-storage copied to clipboard
Firebase Example Doesn't Work
I have a firebase-query that produces live data without any problem. Using the code from the example found in the documentation, the exception shown in the stacktrace below appears.
Expected outcome
It should cache the data locally.
Actual outcome
app-indexeddb-mirror.html:244 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'validateSession' of undefined
at HTMLElement.
This seems to indicate that the client property found in app-indexeddb-mirror is undefined.
Live Demo
Steps to reproduce
This is a snippet of the code. Commenting out the app-indexeddb-mirror element (and switching the data/model variable causes the data to appear normally, albeit uncached.
<firebase-auth app-name="veridian" user="{{user}}" app-name="veridian"></firebase-auth>
<firebase-query app-name="veridian" path="/users" data="{{data}}" order-by-child="lastName" limit-to-first="[[pageSize]]"></firebase-query>
<app-indexeddb-mirror session="[[user.uid]]" key="contacts" data="{{data}}" persisted-data="{{model}}"></app-indexeddb-mirror>
<iron-scroll-threshold id="threshold" on-lower-threshold="_loadData" lower-threshold="10" scroll-target="listbox">
<paper-listbox id="listbox">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[model]]" as="contact">
<ver-contact-card model="[[contact]]"></ver-contact-card>
Browsers Affected
- [x] Chrome
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Safari 9
- [ ] Safari 8
- [ ] Safari 7
- [ ] Edge
- [ ] IE 11
- [ ] IE 10
I have the same issue here, in some pages it works and in some pages I get this error. My implementation is the same across all pages. I should say that app-network-status-behavior also is returning true event if there's no connection in Chrome.