app-route copied to clipboard
_routePageChanged running twice
Browsers Affected
- [x] Chrome
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Safari 9
- [ ] Safari 8
- [ ] Safari 7
- [ ] Edge
- [ ] IE 11
- [ ] IE 10
Here is my code
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-route/app-location.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-route/app-route.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer-layout/app-drawer-layout.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer/app-drawer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-scroll-effects/app-scroll-effects.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-header/app-header.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-header-layout/app-header-layout.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/app-layout/app-toolbar/app-toolbar.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animated-pages.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animatable.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/neon-animation/animations/slide-from-left-animation.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/neon-animation/animations/slide-right-animation.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selector.html">
<link rel="import" href="my-icons.html">
<dom-module id="my-app">
:host {
display: block;
--app-primary-color: #4CAF50;
--app-secondary-color: black;
app-header {
background-color: var(--app-primary-color);
color: #fff;
app-header paper-icon-button {
--paper-icon-button-ink-color: white;
.drawer-list {
margin: 0 20px;
.drawer-list a {
display: block;
padding: 0 16px;
line-height: 40px;
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--app-secondary-color);
.drawer-list a.iron-selected {
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
.drawer-list a.subroute {
padding-left: 32px;
<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>
<app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/:page" data="{{routeData}}" tail="{{subroute}}"></app-route>
<app-drawer-layout fullbleed force-narrow="true">
Drawer content
<app-drawer id="menu" swipe-open>
<iron-icon icon="move-to-inbox"></iron-icon> Restock
<iron-selector selected="{{}}" attr-for-selected="name" class="drawer-list"
<a name="" drawer-toggle href="/">Home</a>
<a name="signup" drawer-toggle href="/signup">Create a free account</a>
<a name="login" drawer-toggle href="/login">Login</a>
<a name="about" drawer-toggle href="/about">About</a>
<!-- Main content -->
<app-header-layout has-scrolling-region>
<app-header condenses reveals effects="waterfall">
<paper-icon-button icon="menu" drawer-toggle></paper-icon-button>
<div title>Restock</div>
<paper-menu-button horizontal-offset=- 18>
<paper-icon-button icon="more-vert" class="dropdown-trigger"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-menu class="dropdown-content">
<neon-animated-pages selected="[[]]" fallback-Selection="notfound" attr-for-selected="name" entry-animation='slide-from-left-animation'
<neon-animatable name=''>
<home-page name=""></home-page>
<neon-animatable name='signup'>
<signup-page name="signup"></signup-page>
<neon-animatable name='login'>
<login-page name="login"></login-page>
<neon-animatable name='notfound'>
<notfound-page name="notfound"></notfound-page>
is: 'my-app',
user: 'Zafar',
properties: {
observers: [
_routePageChanged: function(page) {
switch (page) {
case '':
case 'home':
this.importHref(this.resolveUrl('home.html'), null, null, true);
case 'signup':
this.importHref(this.resolveUrl('signup.html'), null, null, true);
case 'login':
this.importHref(this.resolveUrl('login.html'), null, null, true);
this.importHref(this.resolveUrl('notfound.html'), null, null, true);
Can you give more info here? What values of page
are you seeing, and in what order? How do these values correspond to the URL?
Whenever I click a link, _routePageChanged function is running twice. For example If I click signup link, The page value signup appears twice in console.
It is running twice because it changes twice, because a click on e.g. /signup link triggers
- a select of name="signup" in selected="{{}}", because of two-way-binding
- a path change because of its href
Try using a one-way-binding like you do on the animated pages.
Running a similar example and with the only two-way binding being the {{route}}
property the observer fires twice when using hash URLs.
<app-location route="{{route}}" use-hash-as-path></app-location>
<app-route route="[[route]]" pattern="/:page" data="{{data}}" tail="{{tail}}"></app-route>
observers: ['_routePageChange('],
_routePageChange: function(e) {
console.log('_routePageChange'); //Prints twice for #/home and #/about
Here's a more complete example. Switched to traditional no-hash routing as well and still getting the observer running twice. My workaround was to listen for the window.location-changed
event fired by app-location.
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/app-route/app-location.html" >
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/app-route/app-route.html" >
<dom-module id="blog-app">
<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>
<a href="/home">Home</a>
<a href="/about">About</a>
is: 'example-app',
properties: {
pageData: Object
observers: ['_pageDataChange('],
attached: function() {
window.addEventListener('location-changed', function() {
console.log('new location:' +; //Fires once
_pageDataChange: function(e) {
console.log('_pageDataChange'); //Fires twice on route change
This is happening in Safari as well (and I suppose in all browsers).
Steps to replicate:
- polymer init with starter-kit
- Add console.log('_routePageChanged | page = ', page); in _routePageChanged: function(page) in my-app.html
Open Safari, show web inspector and you will immediately see:
_routePageChanged | page = "view1"
_routePageChanged | page = "view1"
Navigate to view2:
_routePageChanged | page = "view2"
_routePageChanged | page = "view2"
What I ended up doing to avoid this issue is this: I defined a new property
pageLoaded: {
type: String,
value: ''
and changed _routePageChanged: function(page)
_routePageChanged: function (page) {
if (this.pageLoaded !== page) { = page || 'view1';
this.pageLoaded =;
But it feels 'hacky' and have no idea yet what kind of problems I will be having with this. The event is still firing twice.
Not sure if this is the right strategy, but we had this problem and it was hugely affecting our page tracking. Our _viewChanged
observer now wraps a debounce method to collapse multiple requests, which seems to have resolved the problem.
_viewChanged (view) {
this.debounce('viewChanged', () => {
// Tracking events
This might be incredibly naive, but our response when having similar issues since August was to just take control of the navigator
Store data pieces or at least enough to represent last set of changes and let the data from us, user state, level etc sort of merge into an address
I don't think that what was intended here but there is a lot of memory available In the mac and rewrite back history
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 15, 2016, at 6:29 AM, Alan Bridger [email protected] wrote:
Not sure if this is the right strategy, but we had this problem and it was hugely affecting our page tracking. Our _viewChanged observer now wraps a debounce method to collapse multiple requests, which seems to have resolved the problem.
_viewChanged (view) { this.debounce('viewChanged', () => { // Tracking events }); } — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.
What's the status of the fix for this bug? I can still reproduce it on Google Chrome.
Any update on this? I seem to have the same issue
How it is going?
yep how it's update ?
I have the same buf. I'm fixed this bug by just calling routeChange and format url as i need, it is running only once on change url
<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>
observers: [
_routeChanged: function (r) {
var id = r.path.split("/")[2];
var tab = r.path.split("/")[3];
if(id != null)
Hi, just realised I'm also encountering this issue. Is there any update on this?
@johnlim guess not. Maybe in Polymer 3.0? I've always said that Polymer needed a fully featured routing system complete with life cycle hooks (before callback, after callback) and maybe we'll get that in addition to a resolution to this issue.
I've been using @abridger's debounce
workaround for the past year, and that's been good enough for me. If my workflow becomes more complicated that this gets in the way again, maybe I'll poke around and see if I can submit a patch. That's unlikely at this stage, however.
+1 We're running into this as well.
Still nothing new after more than one and a half year?
Even after all these months, for reasons unknown, the '' is still firing twice. So, I did this: `
static get observers() {
return [
_routePathChanged(path) {
console.log(' ',;
console.log('queryParams: ', this.queryParams);
- Juli 2016
With Polymer 3 I'm finding the pwa-helpers
router a sufficient replacement in most cases.
App shell
import { installRouter } from 'pwa-helpers/router.js';
constructor() {
// Register location changed listeners
installRouter((location) => this._locationChanged(location));
_locationChanged(location) {
// Remove root-path from route
const prefixRegex = new RegExp('^' + this.rootPath);
// Get path from router
const path = window.decodeURIComponent(location.pathname).replace(prefixRegex, '');
// Parse path to create route
this.route = path.split('/').filter((item) => item !== '');
Mixin shared between all routing views
_routeChanged(route) {
// Default to '_default' when `route` array is empty. = route.length > 0 ? route[0] : '_default';
// Compute subroute for sub-views
// <my-view route="[[_bindSubroute(route, 'foobar')]]"></my-view>
_bindSubroute(route, uri) {
return route.length > 1 && route[0] === uri ? route.slice(1) : [];
// Compute active for sub-views
// <my-view active="[[_bindActive(route, 'foobar')]]"></my-view>
_bindActive(route, uri) {
return route.length > 0 && route[0] === uri;
For query parameters, there's no end of solutions available for parsing
so I'll just leave that for a Google search.
This is a close ?