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TensorFlow library bindings for Pharo


This is a fork of for Pharo. This library was also ported to VA Smalltalk :

You will need a 64 bits Pharo VM in order to run the code. The code has only be tested on Pharo 9.0 on macOS and Windows with TensorFlow 1.15.5:


  • Install last Pharo 9.0 64 bit VM and image from the command line :
  • Install the project in Pharo

To install the project on your Pharo image you can execute the following script:

    Metacello new
    	githubUser: 'PolyMathOrg' project: 'libtensorflow-pharo-bindings' commitish: 'master' path: '';
    	baseline: 'LibTensorFlowPharoBinding';

Alternatively you can use Iceberg to load the code of this repository (See the video here:

To add the project to your baseline just add this:

    	baseline: 'LibTensorFlowPharoBinding'
    	with: [ spec repository: 'github://PolyMathOrg/libtensorflow-pharo-bindings' ]

Installation of TensorFlow C API on MacOS

  • Install TensorFlow C API on your computer. On macOS, the simpliest way to do that is to use Brew: brew install tensorflow If you don't use brew, check the installation guide
  • check method TensorFlowCAPI>>macModulenameto put the path to where Tensorflow libraries are located on your computer:
  ^ '/usr/local/Cellar/libtensorflow/1.15.5/lib/'

Installation of TensorFlow C API on Windows

Installation of TensorFlow C API on Linux

  • Check the Tensorflow for C installation guide
  • check method TensorFlowCAPI>>unixModulenameto put the path to where Tensorflow libraries are located on your computer:
  ^ '/usr/local/lib/'