RxBluetoothKit copied to clipboard
Disconnect Connection When device lost connection
When terminated the app the connection is still restored but when the device lose connection it can't reconnect again
class BluetoothManager {
//MARK: - Singelton
static let shared = BluetoothManager()
//MARK: - Propertise
var centralManager: CentralManager!
//MARK: - Configure Central Manager
func configureCentralManager() {
// let options = [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: "NOUR", CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true] as [String: AnyObject]
centralManager = CentralManager(
options: [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: NSString("NOUR")],
onWillRestoreCentralManagerState: { (restoreState) in
print(restoreState.centralManager )
//MARK: - Start Scanning For Peripherals
func startScanningForPeripherals() {
_ = centralManager.observeState()
.startWith( centralManager.state )
.filter { $0 == .poweredOn }
.flatMap { _ in self.centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [self.beaconServiceCBUUID]) }
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] scannedPeripheral in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.configureScannedPeripherals(scannedPeripheral: scannedPeripheral)
}, onError: { [weak self] error in
guard let self = self else { return }
//MARK: - Connect To Peripheral Devices
func connectToPeripheralDevices(peripheral: Peripheral) {
.flatMap { $0.discoverServices(nil) }.asObservable()
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics(nil)}.asObservable()
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.filter({ $0.properties.contains(.read) })
.flatMap { $0.readValue() }
.subscribe(onNext: {
let data = $0.value
}, onError: { error in
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// In App Delegate func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { BluetoothManager.shared.configureCentralManager() }