```vue // myInput.vue import { ref,defineProps,defineEmits } from 'vue' const props = defineProps({ modelValue:String, modelModifiers:{default:()=>({})} }) const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']) const emitValue = (e)=>{ let value = e.target.value if(props.modelModifiers.capitalize){ value...
```vue // Add a piece of code to make the `count` value get injected into the child component. import {inject} from 'vue' const count = inject('count') {{ count }} ```
```vue import { onMounted, inject,onUnmounted } from "vue" const timer = inject("timer") const count = inject("count") onMounted(() => { timer.value = window.setInterval(() => { count.value++ }, 1000) }) onUnmounted(()=>{ window.clearInterval(timer.value)...
```vue import { ref, watch,nextTick } from "vue" const count = ref(0) /** * 挑战 1: Watch 一次 * 确保副作用函数只执行一次 */ const unWatch = watch(count, () => { console.log("Only triggered...
```vue import { ref, Ref, reactive,isRef,unref,toRef } from "vue" const initial = ref(10) const count = ref(0) // 挑战 1: 更新 ref function update(value) { // 实现... count.value = value...
```vue import { ref } from "vue" const theme = ref("red") const colors = ["blue", "yellow", "red", "green"] setInterval(() => { theme.value = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)] }, 1000) hello /*...
```vue import { reactive,toRefs } from "vue" function useCount() { const state = reactive({ count: 0, }) function update(value: number) { state.count = value } return { ...toRefs(state), update, }...
```vue const click1 = () => { console.log('click1') } const click2 = () => { console.log('click2') } click me ```
```vue import { ref, nextTick} from "vue" const count = ref(0) const counter = ref(null) function increment() { count.value++ /** * DOM is not yet updated, how can we make...
**您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using?** 3.0.12 **您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using?** window10 64位系统,chrome 121.0.6167.140 **如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?** 使用webp格式的图片作为视频封面图无法正确显示封面 例如:我使用了这个可访问的 "http://sns-webpic-qc.xhscdn.com/202402041046/ad82bc85be99441bf1f0baf512555dea/1040g00830uj2pqc656005pa0bjg11aulm9nlis8!nd_dft_wlteh_webp_3" webp格式的图片地址作为视频封面的图片路径...