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Contractions using apostrophes in MMI's are broken. Speech issue

Open ZirconiumWit opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Brief description of the issue

Speaking with apostrophes in an MMI causes you to fall into a gibberish fit.

What you expected to happen

I would like to be able to use apostrophes and contractions in language.

What actually happened

When speaking in an MMI, my character would fall into gibberish fits after words like 'I'm', or 'You'll' or 'What's' and I would have to retype the sentence to not use contractions.

Steps to reproduce

-Be a brain in a jar -Speak

Additional info:

  • Server Revision: Found using the "Show Server Revision" verb under the OOC tab.
  • Server revision: master - 2023-05-01


  • Anything else you may wish to add (Location if it's a mapping issue, etc)

ZirconiumWit avatar May 06 '23 04:05 ZirconiumWit