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ATM access issue

Open ghost opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Brief description of the issue

When attempting to sign into an ATM account via acct number/pin, it does nothing OR signs you into your ID's account regardless of what you typed. If you do not have an ID on, entering num/pin does nothing whatsoever.

What you expected to happen

To sign into the account in question, generally this is an issue for departmental accounts as they are impossible to access.

What actually happened

Nothing whatsoever. OR, if you have your ID in your ID slot, you sign into that account regardless of if you've inserted the ID into the ATM or not.

Steps to reproduce

  • Play any character, alternatively a character with access to a departmental account.
  • Remove your ID and place it into your bag or otherwise out of your hands or ID slot.
  • Open your Notes, and enter into any ATM an account number and pin code.

Additional info:

  • Server Revision: 6f9ca19

ghost avatar Apr 29 '23 00:04 ghost