RP2040Canboot_Install copied to clipboard
Flashing SKR Pico with CanBoot
Steps to Flash SKR Pico ( RP2040 ) with Canboot
Canbus over CAN
Canbus over USB to can bridge
Canbus over USB
Canbus over Serial UART
This guide assumes you alreay have a SKR Pico working on CAN bus. See the Rootiest SKR Pico Canbus guide for more information.
Install CanBoot if you haven't already
- Run the following from your klipper host to copy the canboot github files
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/Arksine/CanBoot
- Add Canboot to the moonraker update manager by adding the following lines to your moonraker.cof file.
[update_manager CanBoot]
type: git_repo
path: ~/CanBoot
origin: https://github.com/Arksine/CanBoot.git
is_system_service: False
Canboot for SKR Pico as a CAN device
Update to the latest Canboot and Klipper codabase as of 11-8-2022
- Canboot v0.0.1-20-g600967e or newer
- Klipper v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676 or newer
SSH to your Klipper host
CD to Canboot
cd ~/CanBoot/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- Build CanBoot deployment 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface CAN bus
- CAN bus speed 500000 <-- Chose your own adventure ( 250000,500000,1000000 )
Run make
make -j 4
Connect the Pico by USB to the Klipper Host
Install boot jumper on the SKR Pico and press the reset button
Flash the Pico firmware
sudo make flash FLASH_DEVICE=2e8a:0003
This will flash the firmware image we compiled earlier onto the SKR-Pico.
Remove the USB cable, Reboot and continue to the next phase..
Flashing Klpper via canboot over CAN
SSH into the Klipper host and CD to klipper
cd ~/klipper/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- bootloader offset 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface CAN bus
- CAN bus speed 500000 <-- Chose your own adventure ( 250000,500000,1000000 )
Run make
make -j 4
Connect the SKR Pico to the CAN bus.
Get your UUID
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -q
Flash the klipper.bin file to the SKR Pico
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u {your uuid}
Canboot for SKR Pico in USB to can bridge mode
Update to the latest Canboot and Klipper codabase as of 11-8-2022
- Canboot v0.0.1-20-g600967e or newer
- Klipper v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676 or newer
SSH to your Klipper host
CD to Canboot
cd ~/CanBoot/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- Build CanBoot deployment 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface USB
Run make
make -j 4
Connect the Pico by USB to the Klipper Host
Install boot jumper on the SKR Pico and press the reset button
Flash the SKR Pico firmware
sudo make flash FLASH_DEVICE=2e8a:0003
This will flash the firmware image we compiled earlier onto the SKR-Pico.
- This take a minute or so.
When the /mnt unmounts remove the boot jumper.
Reboot and continue to the next phase..
Flashing Klpper via USB the first time
SSH into the Klipper host and CD to klipper
cd ~/klipper/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- bootloader offset 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface USB to CAN bus
- CAN bus speed 500000 <-- Chose your own adventure ( 250000,500000,1000000 )
- Run make
make -j 4
Get your serial ID
ls /dev/serial/by-id
Flash the klipper.bin file to the SKR Pico
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/serial/by-id/{your serial id}
- Reboot and your Pico should come bacup up in USB to canbridge mode.
Flashing after Canboot is installed ( this is only for KLipper in USB to can birdge mode )
Run the canboot flash by UUID to enable CanBoot on USB firmware.
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u { your uuid}
Canboot will throw an error but will now appear as a USB device, Get the Canboot serial ID
ls /dev/serial/by-id
Build klipper as before ( see above )
Flash your new klipper bin via Canbus by serial ID
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/serial/by-id/{your serial id}
- Reboot
Canboot for SKR Pico in USB mode
Update to the latest Canboot and Klipper codabase as of 11-8-2022
- Canboot v0.0.1-20-g600967e or newer
- Klipper v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676 or newer
SSH to your Klipper host
CD to Canboot
cd ~/CanBoot/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- Build CanBoot deployment 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface USB
Run make
make -j 4
Connect the Pico by USB to the Klipper Host
Install boot jumper on the SKR Pico and press the reset button
Flash the Pico firmware
sudo make flash FLASH_DEVICE=2e8a:0003
This will flash the firmware image we compiled earlier onto the SKR-Pico.
Remove the boot jumper.
Reboot and continue to the next phase..
Flashing Klpper via USB the first time
SSH into the Klipper host and CD to klipper
cd ~/klipper/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- bootloader offset 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface USB
- Run make
make -j 4
Get your serial ID
ls /dev/serial/by-id
Flash the klipper.bin file to the SKR Pico
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/serial/by-id/{your serial id}
- Reboot and your Pico should come back up in USB to canbridge mode.
Flashing again after Canboot and klipper have been installed
Run the Klipper Flash_USB script to load the CanBoot bootloader. This flash will fail but it gets the SKR Pico into the loader.
python3 ~/klipper/scripts/flash_usb.py -t rp2040 -d /dev/serial/by-id/{your serial id} ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin
Run ls /dev/serial/by-id and verify the Canboot bootloader is running.
ls /dev/serial/by-id
Note the new CanBus ID lsited. It should appear something like this example.
Run the CanBoot flash_can script with your serial ID to flash your new klipper firmware.
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/serial/by-id/{your serial id}
- Reboot
Canboot for SKR Pico in UART mode
Update to the latest Canboot and Klipper codabase as of 11-8-2022
- Canboot v0.0.1-20-g600967e or newer
- Klipper v0.10.0-623-g5b1a6676 or newer
SSH to your Klipper host
CD to Canboot
cd ~/CanBoot/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- Build CanBoot deployment 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface Serial on UART
Run make
make -j 4
Connect the Pico by USB to the Klipper Host
Install boot jumper on the SKR Pico and press the reset button
Mount the Pico file system
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
Copy Canboot.uf2 to the Pico
sudo cp ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.uf2 /mnt
This will copy the firmware image we compiled earlier onto the SKR-Pico's storage and it will be flashed automatically.
- This take a minute or so.
When the /mnt unmounts remove the boot jumper.
Reboot and continue to the next phase..
Flashing Klpper via UART the first time
SSH into the Klipper host and CD to klipper
cd ~/klipper/
Run Make Clean
make clean
Run Make Menuconfig
make menuconfig
- MCU Raspberry Pi RP2040
- bootloader offset 16Kib Bootloader
- Com interface Serial on UART
- Run make
make -j 4
- Connect the SKR Pico UART pins to the klipper host.
- Flash the klipper.bin file to the SKR Pico
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/ttyAMA0
- Reboot and your Pico should come back up in Serial UART mode.
Flashing again after Canboot and klipper has been installed
Press the SKR Pico reset button twice to enter the Canoot bootloader.
Run the CanBoot flash_can script to flash the new klipper build.
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/ttyAMA0
- Reboot