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There are errors in some parts of the website.
All the following questions come from this website "https://vt.poi.cat/channel/subscribers".
The subscription data has not been updated, and the data seems to have stopped a month ago.
Any live broadcast data on the personal page, the link of the cover has become "https://vt.poi.cat/()=%3E%7Bif(Wg(r),Gg(r),r.value===As)throw%20r.error;return%20r.value%7D", not the link of the live broadcast.
Also the revenue data appears to be inaccurate. Last 30, 7 and 1 day numbers are inconsistent, with last 30 often showing the lowest number when it should include the number of the other two.
Take Marine for example
Last Day - AU$11,298 Last 7 Days - AU$28,401 Last 30 Days - AU$19,146
The last 30 days number should be higher than the last 7 days. Unless you're not including the numbers of the more recent periods for some reason.
My guess is line 119 to 129 in https://github.com/vtstats/web/blob/a/src/app/pages/channel-stats/channel-stats.ts
if (stats.kind === ChannelStatsKind.REVENUE) {
const value = sum(stats.value);
vtuberId: channel.vtuberId,
delta1d: value - sum(stats.value1DayAgo),
delta7d: value - sum(stats.value7DaysAgo),
delta30d: value - sum(stats.value30DaysAgo),
He defines the type
export type ChannelStatsSummary =
| {
channelId: number;
kind: ChannelStatsKind.REVENUE;
value: Record<string, number>;
value1DayAgo: Record<string, number>;
value7DaysAgo: Record<string, number>;
value30DaysAgo: Record<string, number>;
I really have no idea what the values for stats.value30DaysAgo
is but I'm guessing it's a key, value pair of the payments in that range (as per the sum()
function definition).
Unfortunately I'm just not familiar enough with Angular to figure out where query()
is getting the data from. Sorry I can't submit a solution.
The error in the subscription count seems to have been corrected.
Hi @gcobc12632. Apologies for the delay. Both issues should be resolved now. If you face any further problems, please open a new ticket.