What are you using to break those?
Does that break more than one block at once, by chance?
After a quick look, looks like it's reliquary throwing an error because of a capability added for the Resplendent Prism from astral sorcery. Reliquary team might be able to provide...
Modlist? It is an interaction.
@predundant have you considered updating Astral Sorcery because you're literally 8 versions behind on a highly experimental release? You're still in the alpha versions.
Something is definitely overwriting, because it's very common by default on its own. A configuration to make it even more common wouldn't apply meaningfully here because of that.
the ore should be spawning in "groups" of a couple per placement. It's not a load-order thing, it's another mod either flooding generation too hard, or overwriting.
That can do it, as well. Config option to select what block-types are overwritten hasn't returned yet.
You get into a circular escalation path that way, though, rather than having the problem addressed by the offending mod crowding things out. That said, yeah, alternative recipes would also...
Versions? Crash log?