Hi coralenka,, it's gorgeous. Could you publish a photo of the nanoVNA? Have a great day. Massimo
HI coralenka, I'm not sure, did you send anything about how it looks your nanoVNA? I can't see anything.
It seems there is something wrong in the file handling because I can't see anything. Could you send the photo to my e-mail? My address is [email protected] I would like...
Hi Hugen, I don't agree with this: > For the impedance of CH1, it seems that it is affected by the parasitic capacitance on the PCB. After you change to...
about: > This modification seems to be difficult to install 2.8 inch nanovna-H, but it can be very convenient to install NanoVNA-H4 with a larger PCB area. I will start...
I Hugen, I didn't see any non linearity on the CH1, I used a 0-110dB 1dB/step attenuator and I honestly checked at 10dB/step and then I tried the first 10dB...
> Hi Massimo, I'm very sorry, it may be that my bad English didn't express my meaning correctly. I mean, currently our resistance between the sma port of CH1 and...
Hi Hugen, since friends were interested in enhancing the dynamics above 300MHz when checking the low pass branch of a VHF/UHF duplexer, I finally designed a small 0.8mm thickness PCB...
Hi Huigen. I placed that resistor to better match the filter output, and flatten the response in the 420-570MHz range which showed a 8dB flatness peak without it, anyways considering...
Hi Hugen, I checked it out and honestly I can't see any difference on the plots (up there those 2dB of dynamic improvement are probably hidden in the noise) and...