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.NET API for Consul (

Results 33 consuldotnet issues
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Hello, I'm trying to implement a simple app to read values from `consul.KV`. I've made an example app in F# using you library. Code is here: It works fine,...

it seems that consul wants a node specified this works: `curl -XPUT http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/deregister -d '{ "Node":"dc1", "Name": "IS4ProtectedAPI v1.0.0.0"}'` this doesn't: `curl -XPUT http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/deregister -d '{ "Name": "IS4ProtectedAPI v1.0.0.0"}'` so...

Hi @highlyunavailable, It's a small non-backward compatible improvement 🌵

Could AgentMember.Status be of some enum type like following? ```cs enum MemberStatus { StatusNone = 0, StatusAlive, StatusLeaving, StatusLeft, StatusFailed } ``` That's corresponds to [serf MemberStatus]( and looks more...

* Add all ACL token update methods in Agent object * Add all new API in Operator object

have some solution? first time when I get services, the requesttime all over 200ms

Write docs about how to, from a C# perspective - Construct and use the ConsulClient class - Do blocking queries/"watches" - Wrap distributed locks around critical sections - Use query...

I have the following line: ``` var statuses = await _client.Health.Service(_clusterName, null, true, CancellationToken.None); ``` This is polled in a loop in x seconds. once in a while, this gets...

This issue encompasses two bugs. The first bug is that the wait time specified is not correct. Around line 244, the code says: ```csharp if (attempts > 0 && Opts.LockTryOnce)...

Need to port in new APIs for 0.8.x.