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Platzi Master Frontend Test
In the src folder it is organized by css styles and components, in the root folder there is a file named data.json data.json is the feka database where the data...
Pasos: 1) Ver el template del repositorio y contabilizar los componentes que seran utilizados, asi como ir viendo que seria mejor usar si Display Flex o Grid. 2) Crear los...
Create the necessary documentation for the application in the document of your Pull Request. > Explain in detail the steps taken, describe what were your main blocks and your solutions.
Customize the data.json file in the root of the project with your information. > If you deploy your own API in a cloud service it is a plus.
Start the test server and integrate the proposed information into your application. > npm run server
Create getData.js function to consume an API
Analyze the project and identify its structure