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spore and embryo dormant stages
At the POC meeting on 1-3-12, we discussed the need for new terms for spore dormant stage and embryo dormant stage. I suggest we add these new terms.
(see new tracker for plant spore stage:
proposed definition, plant spore dormant stage: A gametophyte dormant stage during which a spore participates in a dormancy process. Comment: A dormancy process (GO:0022611) is a developmental process in which dormancy (sometimes called a dormant state) is induced, maintained or broken. Dormancy is a suspension of most physiological activity and growth that can be reactivated.
is_a gametophyte dormant stage, has_participant spore
If we make plant spore stage XP of is_a gametophyte development stage and has_participant spore, this will be inferred to be is_a plant spore stage.
We should probably rename spore to plant spore.
proposed definition, plant embryo dormant stage: A sporophyte dormant stage during which a plant embryo participates in a dormancy process. Comment: A dormancy process (GO:0022611) is a developmental process in which dormancy (sometimes called a dormant state) is induced, maintained or broken. Dormancy is a suspension of most physiological activity and growth that can be reactivated. In seed plants, a plant embryo dormant stage may be part of a seed dormant stage.
is_a sporophyte dormant stage, has_participant plant embryo
If we make plant embryo stage XP of is_a sporophyte development stage and has_participant plant embry, this will be inferred to be is_a plant embryo stage.
We should also add seed dormant stage (new term, see tracer) has_ part plant embryo dormant stage. Can't add the inverse part_of relation, because not all embryo dormancy occurs in seeds.
Reported by: rlwalls2008
Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/426