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The documentation in README.md specifies the MIT license while package.json and ios-generator/package.json specify the ISC license. I know this is a nit but would really like to see this resolved in one of two ways:
- Fix package.json and ios-generator/package.json to specify MIT license
- Switch this project to ISC license
I would actually prefer the second since it is simpler and more closely related to the original Polymer license which is 3-clause BSD. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISC_license:
It is meant to be functionally equivalent to the simplified BSD and the MIT licenses, differing in its removal of language deemed unnecessary following the global adoption of the Berne Convention.
If you resolve this I would be happy to work on #9 (update to Swift 3), #8 (Android native version), #6 (Cordova plugin), etc.